So, you’re taking a new lady for a spin in your impressive Tesla. You come to the first turn in the road. You hit the turn signal, annnnnd that’s the end of your date.
(And you thought Tesla didn’t have gas.)
A hidden app, buried in Tesla’s emissions panel, turns your turn signal noise into fart noises.
I’m waitng for one of these:
Is there firewall protection against sharts?
Most real men buy performance cars to either enjoy driving them or to modify and improve them for racing.
Soy boys buy Teslas to play video games and make fart noises while the car drives for them.
Does this audi suddenly go full throttle and crash like the 5000’s did back in the 80s? Remember “Sudden Unintended Accelleration”?
Just sayen, that’s a Ferrari in your picture. And unless you’re 5 foot 6, don’t plan on driving one of those pieces of shit either.
Well, I wonder how much of that government subsidy per car went into coding that little bit of humour.
I’m guessing this vehicle is only available with brown leather seats.
And also deducing the lead software team are game addict kids. The auto design engineers, that might actually be capable of designing a car that works, are at best a low priority team, 3d or fourth level down from the lead group.
Bahh, that’s not entertainment on a Tesla. Show the panel gaps you can sleep in.