This morning I was sitting on a park bench… – IOTW Report

This morning I was sitting on a park bench…

This morning I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man.

I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way.

He said, “Up until last week, I still had it all. I had plenty to

eat, my clothes were washed and pressed,

I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the

gym, the pool, and the library.

I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even

had full medical coverage.”

I felt sorry for him, so I asked,

“What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce?”

“Oh no, nothing like that,” he said. “No, no. I got out of prison.”

* * *

h/t Doc.

19 Comments on This morning I was sitting on a park bench…

  1. apropos…

    @ LocoBlancoSaltine at 11:34 on watching-this-angry-shrew

    So exquisite, schadenclimax. Bravissimo.
    Bellisimo. Lunar calendar Cover Girl level.

    I turn the light among the people.
    For All to see.
    It really is my Work.
    Who has sly magic.
    Thank You for that.

    Expending life force on the hunt.
    Always carries a toll.
    One must pay the ferryman.
    Even when the grass is greener.
    “The prettiest are always further”

    Oh, but the View.
    Just Another Step Closer.

    to be continued…

  2. They a Polar Bear that haunted some town every winter.
    This was in Alaska or somewhere cold.
    The bear would roam through town all winter looking for scraps and scaring the hell out of everybody, so they built a giant pen.
    They put Mr. Bear in and fed him all winter, figuring that it was safer.
    And Lo, come spring they opened the pen expecting Mr. Bear to run to his freedom.
    Oh No he didn’t. He stayed in the pen at night and roamed the town looking for scraps.
    Forestry had to relocate him 500 miles away

  3. I sometimes take my lunch break on a park bench in downtown Lewiston, Id. alongside the levee on the Clearwater river. One day last Summer I was sitting there quietly and minding my own business when I had a scantily clad 21 yr. old girl come up to me and start telling me about her life story and all of her troubles. It was weird, all I could do was listen, as a Christian I felt like I had an out of body spiritual experience in listening to her. She didn’t know me from Adam and must’ve sensed that I was a safe person that she could talk to freely. After listening for 15 minutes or so I prayed for her and went to go back to work. She tried to follow me but I told her NO that it wouldn’t be right for me to give her a ride, just because. Anyway, it was weird and I never once felt any kind of desire for her the way she was dressed. I wished her well and that God would bless her and drove off to finish my deliveries. I never saw her again and probably won’t but I know it was a divine appt. because it wasn’t just me sitting there talking to her, I know that God was there as well to bless this young lady.

  4. Divine appointments are a blessing, there are times the blessings were meant for me, other times the greater blessings are for the person who stands before me. The majority of time we both receive blessings.

  5. And you press on Gods’ waiter your last dime
    As he hands you the bill
    And you spin in the slipstream
    Tideless, unreasoning
    Paddle right out of the mess
    And you paddle right out of the mess

  6. Round the world and home again
    that the sailor’s way …
    faster, faster, faster, faster,

    There’s no earthly way of knowing
    Which direction they are going…
    There’s no knowing where they’re rowing…
    Or which way the river’s flowing…
    Is it raining, is it snowing?
    Is a hurricane a-blowing?
    Not a speck of light is showing
    So the danger must be growing…
    Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?
    Is the grisly Reaper mowing?
    Yes! The danger must be growing
    ‘Cause the rowers keep on rowing …
    And they’re certainly not showing
    Any sign that they are slowing!

    Stop the Boat!

  7. I seen a squirrel
    was ready to hurl
    a great stone at me.

    But quick as a flash
    I turned like a wisp
    And … oh shit … I lost the rest of it …

    Anyways, it was a red-tailed squirrel!

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