This needs to be posted from time to time – IOTW Report

This needs to be posted from time to time

23 Comments on This needs to be posted from time to time

  1. And the polls now are just as fake.

    Trump approval at 41%? More like 70+%.

    60% of citizens support total deportation of all illegals? More like 90%.

    MSM polls are pure psyops. Then, and now.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  2. Don’t forget that plus or minus 4% margin of error.

    This is why I don’t pay much attention to polls, even the pro-Trump ones. Keeps me in touch with reality.

    P.S. – When asked for my opinion by a pollster, I usually tell them the opposite of what I think. Apparently there’s a lot of saboteurs like me out there, too.


  3. Yeah. I just did a post at Patriot Retort of three tweets from this week a year ago that didn’t age well. And that was one of them.

    It’s a fun, fun trip down memory lane. Well, fun for us. Not so much for Hillary (or the idiots screaming helplessly to the sky).

  4. Lisl — I’m with you! It’s especially cathartic to watch the men holding back the open sobbing. God help me, it felt good to see them experiencing the intense disappointment and hopelessness conservatives felt in ’12.

    We had an election watch party at a sports bar north of the city in a safer red county. Even so, there were people there who leaned clinton and looked like they almost felt sorry for us. When there was a small contingent of news orgs who showed up, the reporters and their cameramen weren’t that interested in interviewing anyone. I think they just wanted a shot of a pathetic crowd of “Republicans” looking disappointed. When it was clear that Trump was racking up a win, one of them asked me, “Why aren’t you guys (Trump’s supporters) screaming and yelling?” I guess she thought we should start breaking up the furniture or set something on fire. I looked at her with a bit of disdain and said, “Because Trumpsters don’t need to spike the ball.” I’ll never forget the look on her face and I’ll never forget all the details of where I was on 11/8/16. Good thing, too, because I was drunk on champagne for the next three days! 🙂

  5. Polls – BULLSHIT – bullshit, more shit, and horse shit.

    Nobody really cares what the peons think – polls are attempts to make the peons think what the Aristocrats want them to think – just like the media – Hollyweird – parts of the Interwebz – Academia – the Pulpit – PSAs by Gov’t – Congressional Hearings – Senate Hearings – Supreme Court Reviews – &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Polls don’t vote, but main stream media knew their polls would have an impact on the lofo voters who just want to follow the crowd and vote for a winner.
    Unfortunately for Hillary, even the lofo voters knew enough about her to deny her their vote.

  7. MJA — Yeah, it was such a night, wasn’t it?!

    Our campaign volunteer coordinator and her husband was trying to make it through traffic around 5 p. (Pacific) when he called me and said she was almost in a state of nervous collapse. When they finally made it to the King County H.Q., she looked so emotionally stricken — thinking that Trump was going to lose. We were still on the phones calling voters. We got everyone in a huddle and prayed The Lord’s Prayer, then got back to work.

    This is a very odd thing, and I’ve only told a couple people about it: Around August last summer I had a vivid dream in which I was at a wedding. So odd. Trump was the groom and America — a huge crowd of people, cheering — was the bride. What really affected me was the sense of love and affection that surrounded the event itself; not emanating from any person, but more like a Godly anointing one experiences at a wedding. After that I had no doubt at all that he would be elected. I feel strange relating this because the feeling of holiness stays with me. And I believe that what God has set to motion will be completed.

  8. …meant to add: God doesn’t care about polls. I’m not going to question Him.

    And if anyone remembers all the polls it was one of the biggest sources of laughs all last year…and this, too.

  9. Totally agree with everyone writing here, that the Youtube vids of Election night ’16 are PLEASURE beyond compare! But add to your pleasure, go back into news clips from 1, 2, 3 months BEFORE the election–AND WATCH HILLY BECOME THE 1st WOMAN to NOT BE ELECTED!! JOY!!

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