This perfectly symbolizes the depth of thinking of anti-Trump activists – IOTW Report

This perfectly symbolizes the depth of thinking of anti-Trump activists

22 Comments on This perfectly symbolizes the depth of thinking of anti-Trump activists

  1. And there it is, right there!

    The truth is, these assholes were going to riot and demonstrate and act like psychos no matter what Donald Trump did.

    In fact, I’d venture that if by some miracle another Republican had defeated Hillary, these idiots would be doing the same thing.

    It’s fake. Phony. Trumped up (forgive the pun).

  2. They gotta keep that paycheck from the Nazi collaborator Soros coming in! It supplements their welfare check enough so that they can buy crack rather than have to smoke dried dog poop!

  3. “This perfectly symbolizes the depth of thinking of anti-Trump activists”

    Hey Boss, need to fix your headline – this doesn’t ‘symbolize’ their thinking, it ‘demonstrates’ their thinking.

  4. Don’t make the mistake of thinking these people are unintelligent – many of them are intelligent. What they are is self-centered, egomanical, controlling and utterly without any sense of hypocricy. They cannot conceive of a world where anyone disagrees with them, they believe they must be in charge, and they must force others to accept their views.

    I have many progressive friends, and they are “worried” that Trump will cut taxes. Most of them make good money, and they complain that they should not only pay at existing rates, but that their rates should increase. I love to point out that they can do this – just calculate what to pay under whatever hypothetical tax rate they want, and send it in. The government will in fact accept voluntary contributions from these folks if that is what they want to do. But they don’t want this – they want to force other people to pay high taxes and be dependent upon government.

    This is actually evil at its most evil. It is a calculated power play, and not only are opposing views wrong, but dissenting opinions must be silenced. All science, including climate change, should be open for discussion because science seeks absolute truth and consensus is irrelevant. The effects of unfettered immigration should be the topic of debate without resort to unsubstantiated charges of racism. The effects of far left proposals for transgender “equality” should be analyzed both in the context of equal rights and the impact on non-LGBT citizens and their rights. But all of these issues are secondary to the primary goal, which is amassing the power to control everything.

  5. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk January 31, 2017

    It is also wise to avoid the mistake of thinking of them as “intelligent” — by which most users mean to imply “very intelligent”. As with actual job performance ability, the further you move along the bell curve away from “deplorable”, the less you find desire to hide in the herd, or appeal to higher authority.

  6. Oh, hello tumblr personified! How goes the biased bigotry toward your fellow man? Does it feel nice to be a gross hypocritical lemming with a tendency for hysterics? Just askin’ for a friend. Thank you SO much for brainwashing and conditioning my generation, I mean really. That kind of child abuse, and in such massive amounts, it’s really something indeed. Haha. 🙂

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. These crybabies had their protests planned well in advance -

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