13 Comments on This Poor Ukrainian Influencer Has It Pretty Rough
Ukranian young men could not be reached for comment.
Because they’re dead.
I know that I sound crazy, but this war is because of all the evil which the Ukrainians did in World War II. It takes 7 generations (140 years) for the evil which a country or a family does, for the evil to be wiped out.
I am right now strumming the world’s saddest song on the world’s smallest balalaika.
Ukrainians remind me of Gypsys.
I’ll bet that some of our female democRATz view this as a challenge to go into one of their miserable shit-holes and video something like this, then go back to one of their multi-million dollar homes that they acquired shortly after they took office!
I’d be willing to bet that all of those places and things were destroyed by falling and failing Ukrainian defense missiles, or parts thereof. And that includes pieces of Patriots missiles. One day it would be nice to see here posing in front of the smoking crater that was 7elensky’s bunker.
She should get Victoria Nuland to guest on her channel.
Upon seeing this video, Victoria Nuland responded “reeee ree reee oink oink reeeeeeeee”
You can’t swing a dead cat on Reddit without hitting about 40 Ukrainian neked breasts. All of Europe can kiss the left side of my right cheek. I watched an interview with some nut job English pussy Boo Hooing about how Musk canceled a 100 million dollar grant he and his wife were suppose to receive through USaid. They have big sign all over London that read “X marks the steal”. Steal? Really Fucktards. That’s our money and were done supporting you. The American Tax Payer have been supporting all of Europe for a very long time. It’s over.
Ukranian young men could not be reached for comment.
Because they’re dead.
I know that I sound crazy, but this war is because of all the evil which the Ukrainians did in World War II. It takes 7 generations (140 years) for the evil which a country or a family does, for the evil to be wiped out.
I am right now strumming the world’s saddest song on the world’s smallest balalaika.
Ukrainians remind me of Gypsys.
I’ll bet that some of our female democRATz view this as a challenge to go into one of their miserable shit-holes and video something like this, then go back to one of their multi-million dollar homes that they acquired shortly after they took office!
I’d be willing to bet that all of those places and things were destroyed by falling and failing Ukrainian defense missiles, or parts thereof. And that includes pieces of Patriots missiles. One day it would be nice to see here posing in front of the smoking crater that was 7elensky’s bunker.
She should get Victoria Nuland to guest on her channel.
They could both wear t-shirts braless.
^^^ THIS Victoria Nuland???
She does have a couple of good points.
I’m American, and I want my money back.
Upon seeing this video, Victoria Nuland responded “reeee ree reee oink oink reeeeeeeee”
You can’t swing a dead cat on Reddit without hitting about 40 Ukrainian neked breasts. All of Europe can kiss the left side of my right cheek. I watched an interview with some nut job English pussy Boo Hooing about how Musk canceled a 100 million dollar grant he and his wife were suppose to receive through USaid. They have big sign all over London that read “X marks the steal”. Steal? Really Fucktards. That’s our money and were done supporting you. The American Tax Payer have been supporting all of Europe for a very long time. It’s over.