This satire is more on the mark than actual leftwing headlines–> “My wife’s boyfriend donated his entire welfare check to Bernie Sanders’ campaign” – IOTW Report

This satire is more on the mark than actual leftwing headlines–> “My wife’s boyfriend donated his entire welfare check to Bernie Sanders’ campaign”

From the minds of NPCDaily.

Sad, but truish.


14 Comments on This satire is more on the mark than actual leftwing headlines–> “My wife’s boyfriend donated his entire welfare check to Bernie Sanders’ campaign”

  1. …to make it TRULY leftard, it should say, “My HUSBAND’s boyfriend donated zir entire welfare check and a week’s worth of zir’s “medical” marajuana to Bernie Sanders’ campaign”…

  2. “My wife’s boyfriend”…….that statement all by itself doesn’t really identify the sex/gender of any of the participants. I’d say we need more info, but I don’t think I really want it.

  3. Bernie has a solid following among the fringe sexual deviants. They’re out there buggering away while occasionally taking a break to protest or get another tattoo. The grubby little madman has a magnetic appeal to the scum of society.

  4. What gets me about Bernie Sanders is his slumped posture. The dude oughtta be in ads for osteoporosis pills.

    He reminds me of your crotchety elderly neighbor who’s always yelling at your kids to “GET OFF MY LAWN!”

  5. “I can’t wait for all of our donations to his foundation to pay off in the form of free stuff forever!”

    Maybe a requirement to receive welfare benefits should be sterilization. At least they couldn’t reproduce.

    I was taught, “Good things come to those who set and wait, so long as you workith like hell while you waitith.”

  6. Way to spend democracy dollars.
    Just more proof the welfare system can be cut drastically and it wouldn’t make a difference as per what the welfare is suppose to be used for.
    Oh noes, not enough money in the welfare check to get mah nails done this week.
    Now you see why there is a hair & nail establishment on just about every city corner.

  7. Productive taxpayers fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians who promote the taking of money from productive taxpayers who fund the government which takes the money and gives it to parasites who in turn donate and vote for corrupt politicians. Did I get that right?


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