This song is dedicated to Chicago Deplorable – IOTW Report

This song is dedicated to Chicago Deplorable

Keep the dial set on 98.6 KMJA, Uneasy Listening.

21 Comments on This song is dedicated to Chicago Deplorable

  1. Oh man, we are getting beat up with this. What did we do wrong? Speaking for myself, if you tell me, I’ll stop doing it. Well maybe I’ll stop, but maybe not.

  2. I agree that all art appreciation is subjective (to whoever said it). But why subject us to that?

    So, is MJA the disk jockey for the “KMJA” radio station? Does this person have an email, text or skype address? The MJ DJ needs music suggestions.

  3. It’s ok, just heard it too much back in the day. My vote for worst song ever is a tie between Mambo #5 and I’m Too Sexy For My whatever. YMCA is a contender also.

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