This spelling error cannot be contained – IOTW Report

This spelling error cannot be contained

We all make spelling errors. (Well, you do, not me. I’m perfect. I make typos.)

And yes, their is a difforense between a tupo, a spelling errer and fatigue. Fatigue can cause you to use a cinnamon rather then the word you should half used. I do it a lot, and it bothers me. But we’re not making a t-shirt (I Can’t Breath), we’re writing thousands of words a day, and there isn’t an editor whose sole job is to sit around and proofread. That would be you guys, the readers.

If you know the difference between their, there and they’re, but had one get by the goalie, thats far different then been a rotten speller. The litmus test is when your shown you’re handiwork and you still give it the enthusiastic thumbs up rather then the palm to you’re fourhead. (Okay, count the spelling errors made up until this point.)

That brings me to the word “lose.”

This has been a thing with me for quite awhile. I maintain that it is the most common word, that isn’t a typo, that is misspelled. (Adding the extra “o” disqualifies it as a typo. A letter wasn’t misplaced, or a different one used. It took more work to write “loose.” This was pro-active and intentional. and these people must die! lol)

Once you’re looking for it, it’s everywhere!

Here it is at The New York Daily News.

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Please help me with this.

Give me another word to obsess on. I am going crazy.

This is like the time when I was doing the Cowsills post last year. I listened to The Rain, The Park and Other Things so much that I was waking up hearing “I love the flower girl” in my head.

I’m not kidding, I was concerned.

Break me of the lose/loose “eye worm.”

(By the way, that story about the British couple “loosing” millions was horrible. They submitted the winning numbers through an app and won. But their app account had insufficient funds to accept the submission. It was recorded. They saw what they did, they just wouldn’t honor the picks. It was 52 million dollars.)

96 Comments on This spelling error cannot be contained

  1. ‘Loose’ bothers me too, because it is obviously a misspelling rather than a typo. I agree, I know I make typos occasionally but I feel embarrassed when I use an incorrect spelling.
    Also, bussed means kissed. Bused means transported by bus.

  2. Finding myself singe again after 11 years (lol sigh) I spend time on some dating sites lately. It’s kind of jarring. Things have gone downhill quite a bit.

    But one of the main issues I have is adults who don’t know the difference between women and woman.

    “..I’m looking for a man whom can appreciate a intelligent women..
    Occupation: Teacher ”

    Sighhh. Like fingernails on a chalkboard for me too lol..

  3. The most brilliant guy I know (and I tell him that occasionally) can’t spell worth a damn. He’s writing proposals for investors, potential purchasers, may have a billion-dollar start-up right now and he can write fantastic presentations but misspells all over the place. A few of us have trained him to let someone else proofread everything first before sending to someone important.

  4. When I’m tired I really screw up…..
    Our instead of Are
    I know its time for sleep.
    When I first started commenting her 30 or 40 years ago.
    I would be so embarrassed the next day when I would read
    my comments.

  5. When texting I always press “send,” then look up to proofread – gotta work on that.

    My personal worst mistake (typo) is I type “you” when I mean “your.” The thing is, everybody does that. i see it everywhere.

    Yous truly,

  6. I used to work for a nazi of a boss that thought the best way to motivate his guys is to send off an insulting fax. In this he would usually call someone a looser. I learned a lot from him, but I didn’t learn how to spell.

  7. The use of everyday when people mean every day is something I see a lot.

    The former means ordinary.
    The latter means something that happens each day.

    I also see “a lot” as one word; alot.
    No such word.

  8. I can email you a gold star. How about that?

    That gold thing was cool. But it was built into a template called Gamepress, which is too old to be used anymore. It stopped being compatible with WordPress updates in the manner which we were using it, thus, our many problems a few years ago.

  9. What was the problem with the reply option? Menderman, thanks for pointing out the reference to Sarah giving me a shout out. I didn’t think she remembered me, it’s been quite a while since I lived in Alaska.

  10. “For me, I find it almost impossible to follow a long comment thread. Chasing those lines up and down and reading time stamps is much harder than simply scrolling down. Also, I miss a lot of new comments.”

    That might not be to far from the truth bro. But thanks for making the rest of us pay. I thought it was a great feature.

  11. While we’re at it, can we discuss certain contractions? Could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve are contractions for could HAVE, etc. Yeah, sounds like could OF, but for Gawd’s sake, it ain’t spelled out that way.

  12. Its and it’s. The apostrophe is used for the contraction of “it is:”

    It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

    The possessive form of “it” has no apostrophe:

    The dog chases its tail.

    We are among roughly 2% of the U.S. population who know that top-secret spelling rule.

  13. Spelling errors in comment sections are typical, no need to be a grammar notsee. Commenters are not paid, professional or otherwise. However small, the slightest misspelling or misused word in professional writing sets me off.

    Spelling is not a new issue, it’s been going on since the beginning of the internet. I used to frequent powersports boards regularly, interested in all things 2-stroke and a common thread appeared in almost all, it concerned performance pipes. If you’re not into this, it basically is a less restrictive form of silencing which allows an engine to breathe. However the greenies and the state don’t like that kind too much, so if you modify your exhaust system, you could potentially be ticketed.

    The thread title always had a common theme, for example.

    Load Pipes
    Do Load Pipes Save Lifes
    I Was Ticketed Because My Stock Pipe Is To Load

    (additional spelling/grammar errors added because they were originally)

    I’ve been saying things are load or too load for almost 20 years as a result.

  14. There used to be a dick here some years ago who couldn’t spell, punctuate, or write worth a shit. But he wrote a book on some homosexual fantasy he had. Some of us tried to help him with his these and thoses and theirs and there’s, but he just quit. Anyone remember him?

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