This starts with the adults – IOTW Report

This starts with the adults

MIDDLE SCHOOL student faces charges after ‘hurling wooden block at Trump’s motorcade’.

  • A vehicle in President Donald Trump’s motorcade was struck by a ‘2×4’
  • The incident happened Friday around 1:45 p.m. in West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Several members of the motorcade returned to the scene after completing the motorcade to look for witnesses and objects along the roadway
  • A child from a local middle school confessed to throwing the wood at the motorcade, and also implicated four additional students

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22 Comments on This starts with the adults

  1. Ah, sounds like the libtards have learned to use children as “shields”, thinking a minor will be excused. Mommy needs to be prosecuted too, she is responsible for her minion’s actions.

  2. Too young to penalize?!
    Get the parents for DIRECT PHYSICAL THREAT to the President.
    Wonder what sort of penalty that entails….

    It’s the ONLY way: cut it at the stem.

  3. What ithe press and parents of the brainwashed kids are doing to them is child abuse.

    True story:
    Fourth graders on field trip smelled something unusual in the forest. The kids determined in all childish seriousness that President Trump was poisoning them. Thiis happened this past week.

  4. Never put it past the left to wage a proxy war through our children. They have them in their “care” 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year for 12 uninterrupted years.

  5. It actually started with the school system creating little Marxists that have grown up to be big Marxists. Now, they have had children that are being raised to be big Marxists from birth, only to be schooled and honed from Kindergarten forwards in Alinsky tactics.

    As for me, I’m teaching my little patriots to out-shoot the little Marxists.

    Eventually, and ULTIMATELY, I win.

  6. train up a child in the way they should go and when they are older they will not depart from that way– guess their parents watched to much CNN with the kids or left them alone all day….. sad world we live in.

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