THIS, THIS!?, is supposedly going to be our president? – IOTW Report

THIS, THIS!?, is supposedly going to be our president?

C’mon man.

ht/ hot salsa

39 Comments on THIS, THIS!?, is supposedly going to be our president?

  1. This decrepit old bastard has to be a clear message from the deep state, Washington establishment, media, etc. that voters will never again be allowed to choose their leaders.

  2. Cluster fuckery at its finest.

    TRUST ME. Our magnificent bastard PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP will be serving his second term. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. BELIEVE ME.


  3. No Silly, Premier Xi is supposed to be our new President! Ironically, former VP Biden was selected to be current yet temporary VP(1) Biden (again). When he steps down in a few months VP(2) Harris will be promoted to VP(1) under President-elect Xi. I wonder if we’ll get Chinese passports now.

  4. This guy is a worse plague to this country than the Wuhan virus!
    And then he wants to add that traitor John Kerry to the mix?
    Why not make Jane Fonda Secretary of State while you’re at it and maybe Hillary Treasury Secretary and the mentally ill Robert De Niro Health Secretary.

  5. Not sure if 50% of the dems are going to want chinese competition. You think leaks were bad in the 0bama and Trump admins, wait til the psychos in mediaPresident biden’s group start shit. Biden and Hunter’s chinese connection will finally be exposed and nancy will be president because kamel-a has no skill to maintain her position. Unless it’s on her back. lol

  6. THIS!

    Perhaps it has become reality…

    “‘If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It’
    A quote concerning the irrelevancy of voting is often attributed to American humorist Mark Twain.”

  7. Buyden has been a POS his entire life.
    Now that he is so close to achieving his unworthy life’s ambition, the Presidency, his enabler Satan is turning up the temp, so that this POS truly reeks to high Heaven. It is done to peel away those whose Faith is weak.

    Soon this 70-some years old shitshow will come to an end. Mirabile dictu.

  8. When this charade of POTUS Elect Biden ends, and at this point I am keeping the faith it will end, the democrat party is going to be in their own civil war. His fantasy cabinet picks have shut out all the leftists so far. Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up said by the now MIA Obama.

  9. He’s going to show how much bigger a man he is than Trump by being so bipartisan he will reach out and ask a Republican (Mitt Romney) to join his team!
    He wanted McCain too but someone reminded Joe he was dead.


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