This Time Kim Foxx Lets a Convicted Murderer Off the Hook – IOTW Report

This Time Kim Foxx Lets a Convicted Murderer Off the Hook

Kim Foxx broke a promise that she made with the family of a murdered teen.

She allowed a 14 year-old to go on probation in lieu of a 30 year sentence, with the caveat that if he was ever convicted of another felony he would go to prison.

He committed that felony (because that train is never late) and then Foxx reneged on the deal.

Kim Foxx

37 Comments on This Time Kim Foxx Lets a Convicted Murderer Off the Hook

  1. “Welcome to the Big Top!”

    “Laugh! Be a Klown! Here in Chicago EVERYTHING’s for sale!”

    “Justice is Just Us! Get it? See, there was, like, y’know, 300 years of oppression, and shit, so’s dees guys can’t hep d’erselves from killing chillens, an shit!”

    “Or sumtin … I jus noes dat ray-cysm bees b’hind itall.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I hate to say it, but this is just a high-profile tip of the iceberg. This kind of crap goes on in every jurisdiction in America. It’s shocking how many crimes the average scumbag has to commit before being sent to prison. Or how many times they can violate probation or parole before getting anything more than a few days “time served” in the county jail. And on the rare occasion they do go to prison, they typically only serve 50-75% of the sentence before being released.

  3. …we had a “judge” like this in Cincinnati, in the Juvenile Court. She got the job because, Black and because, female and because, family.

    Also, after a recount, provisional ballot scandals, the usual Democrat way.

    She proceeded to mollycoddle thugs in training, disrespect the Sherriff, her own bailiffs, the prosecutor, even the local media – anyone who thought Black chirruns should maybe ANSWER for their crimes before they become criminal ADULTS.

    She ran a sloppy courtroom, was apparently unfamiliar with actual laws n stuff, and was SO bad that even the local liberal media had to sue just for ACCESS to her courtroom.

    Took forever to get them to remove her, too, but they finally DID (strategic error of not cuddling the media), but only AFTER she had freed legions of recidivist yoots to maurad another day.

    …seems to be the norm when Black women get political power in the legal system for some reason…

  4. Loyal citizens swear their loyalty. To their some government. To their some flag. To their some something for which it stands.

    Sometimes, it’s nice to see people getting what they ordered. What they paid for. What they expected. (Even when they lie about it.)

  5. Supernightshade:

    The modern l, malignant black idiots ocuppying high positions in our government are no different than the white, mexican and asians and muslims. (Swalwell, cortez, ted lieu, tlaib, omar.) They just seem to work hard at reinforcing old stereotypes, true or false.

    Look, after the fraud of obama and the election of tlaib, omar and cortez, the left has gone hog wild with hubris, and they letting it all hang out. It just makes the kim foxxes and those like her stand out more now.

    That babbling malignant moron maxine waters set the new standard, aided by the MSM.

  6. Blacks make up 13% of the population, but commit well over 50% of the violent crimes, as reflected by their incarceration rates. Can you imagine what the prison population would look like if it weren’t for our affirmative action justice system?

  7. Its basic math. The murdered son? … he cant vote. The murder who should be in prison… he vote and all his friends can vote. That block has more numbers than a grieving mom and dad.

    There should be a special place in hell for those that are charged to do good but work evil instead.

  8. @ Pelopidas April 10, 2019 at 1:55 pm

    ” The murdered son? … he cant vote”

    Once the murdered son turns 18 (16 if the progs get their way), he’ll be a reliable Democratic voter for as long as there’s Democrats. After all, this is Chicago.

  9. I was thinking that she looked like a cartoon character, but I could not place it……….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  10. As I’ve said before, blacks don’t help other blacks. At the end of the day, racial politics be dammned.

    If letting the little murderer get away with it means less work for her then that is what she wants.

    Greedy corrupt hippopotamuses such as Ms Foxx don’t care if your child was brutally murdered, all she cares about is how much power, money and influence she can eke out of Chicago before she’s fired.
    End of story.


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