This Time, She’s Really Mad! – IOTW Report

This Time, She’s Really Mad!

Ashley Judd. Yes, that simmering pot of offense magnet is not only mad, she is “verklempt”. After declaring to the world that she was ‘nasty’ and then berating a security officer at the airport on Facebook for calling her ‘sweetheart’, she experienced the latest “everyday sexism” offense at McDonalds. It is simply horrendous. See for yourself!

Watch the video HERE.

41 Comments on This Time, She’s Really Mad!

  1. Off her meds.

    Out of work.

    Looks like my Grandmother.

    Ever notice how “celebrities” on the Z list are now gravitating to the already embattled air lines
    for quick/cheap press? Miss Ashley, Lena….next up? Kathy Griffin?

  2. The Wifey started watching Kiss The Girls last night (starring Ashley Judd) and I told oh no you don’t, turn it. She turned it to FOX and found out why we no longer watch that bitch in our household.

  3. Wow she looks old. Got that crabby dried up Ruth Bader Ginsburg “crone” vibe going.

    Didn’t she used to be a minor sitcom actress, or country singer, or something, loooong ago?

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  4. It would be entertaining to see what would happen if anybody ever had the occasion to say to her, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, darlin’. That’s men’s work and I’ll take care of it.” I figure it’s 50-50 whether she’d croak on the spot of a cerebral artery blowout.

  5. I come in here all day and night- I get up at 3 am, get a cup of coffee-go to the john-watch t.v news and get ready for my 5 hour a day work day, but I don’t usually comment unless its important-and this is not important-who cares what or who she is? oh- I did comment-sorry– forget I was here 🙂

  6. She used to be a hottie.
    She used to be married to a sexy Scotsman who raced fast cars.
    After she pumped her face with Botox and fillers and divorced her hubby – she turned left.
    Look how ugly she is now on the outside and the inside. I don’t see a sexy Scotsman in her future ever again.

  7. LOL! That’s great improvement on the real ASShley Judd and sounds just like her (I’m assuming ASShley Judd’s gender. Please, start a GoFundMe if she prosecutes me!)

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