This Transing of Kids Has Gone Way Too Far – IOTW Report

This Transing of Kids Has Gone Way Too Far

The Blaze

Parents in San Diego, California, are outraged over a flyer that was sent to public school children advertising the “queerest” Halloween party with a “family-friendly” drag show and sponsored by a gay bar and a gender reassignment surgery center.

The flyer for the show was sent to parents of students in the Encinitas Union School District using its email platform. More

13 Comments on This Transing of Kids Has Gone Way Too Far

  1. “Parents in San Diego, California, are outraged”

    Tell me who you voted for and I’ll decide if I can muster up a tear. If you voted for the Democrat I hope they cut your kids organs off.

  2. These people promoting this holistic perversion of sexuality are evil. Not wrong, mistaken, well intentioned, clueless, thoughtless, insouciant or innocent. They are evil. The parents who expose their children to this grooming may be any of the above adjective/adverbs, or none, but they are certainly uncaring in a human way about their children’s basic human development.

  3. “Parents in America are OUTRAGED!!”

    Not me. This is a great thing. The only morons that would submit to this are brainless Libtards. It renders their off spring unable to reproduce and carry on those defective genes. Two cycles of this, no more zombies.

  4. Respond YES to the email! Go! Attend!
    Then when you (the parents) get there, turn over the tables! Literally and figuratively! Get in all these faggots’ faces! That includes the school teachers, admin, principal, and any board members!
    Don’t let them KNOW your displeasure! Let then FEEEEEL your displeasure! Including a kick in the groin! (can’t say “nuts”, they may not have any)
    Have your own mini-BLM/AntiFa riot! (just no burning or killings)

  5. “This Transing of Kids Has Gone Way Too Far”

    We think they’ve gone too far, and they think they haven’t gone far enough! The suicides aren’t mounting up yet, so more will be done until the media brings the suicides to everyone’s attention. Even then, they’ll continue to mutilate children. The ones I’ve heard from on various forums, want to kill themselves because “those encouraging me to transition are no longer around encouraging me once I changed.” What? Someone is suppose to hold your hand the rest of your life? You too stupid to be breathing. I have zilch sympathy for anyone on that side of the tracks.

  6. Those women who used torture and murder their children via Munchausen by Proxy years back are not fully onboard with the prepubescent transgender procedures because now they’ve got full cover to torture and abuse their children. Only a sick fuck would agree to have their daughter’s breasts chopped off or their son gelded at any age. It’s flat out evil. And it’s empowered by the sick profit motivation by all the mega hospitals that are run by psychotic MBA types and psychopathic money grubbing surgeons.


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