This was sent to me!! lol.. don’t GAS about the Oscars, but this was a moment worth seeing – IOTW Report

This was sent to me!! lol.. don’t GAS about the Oscars, but this was a moment worth seeing

54 Comments on This was sent to me!! lol.. don’t GAS about the Oscars, but this was a moment worth seeing

  1. lololol

    She cheats on him. He knows it.
    She’s not sure what sex she is.
    And he brings her to the ‘awards’ shows?

    OK look. if that shit was real, Chris Rock hardly moved when he punched him. Maybe let GI Jane have a try.

  2. Had to cross check. GP says it was an open-handed slap, not a punch. Was wondering why Rock didn’t go down, it sounded pretty loud and connected.

    Ghetto. All of it. Violence, filthy language — good family entertainment. I’m sure the twerking trannies will be part of the halftime.

  3. Heard, a long time ago that both are gay. From a black woman. The same woman spilled the beans about Queen Latifa being a lesbian. I learned a lot useless things on that job.

  4. First he’s laughing at the G.I. Jane joke and next thing you know he’s limp wristing Chris Rock’s chin. So did G.I. Jane glare at Will Smith to make him pretend to be a man and defend her honor?

  5. Holy crap! What was that?!?

    No jokes allowed anymore, eh?

    Now, heading to Twitter/Insta to see what Jerry Seinfeld, David Spade, Dennis Miller, Rob Schneider and Kevin Nealon et al…have to say about it. If only Norm was here!

  6. If Will Smith wants to punch someone it should be his wife for cheating on him and perhaps the lotharios she’s cheating with. You don’t punch someone for speaking the OBVIOUS TRUTH.

  7. I see on the DailyMail that Tyler Perry, Denzel and Bradley Cooper consoled Will Smith and told him to calm down. What about poor Chris Rock?!? He’s the one that got bitch slapped!!

  8. 1) I want to see it from the SIDE ANGLE
    2) Even in Tuxedos Eh boys.
    3) they apparently both have open marriage “Hall Passes”
    4) If it was real, Chris took it pretty good
    5) I hear about it from my wife and my initial reaction was STAGED.
    6) No Fucks Given regardless
    7) I made chilli tonight and am planning to dutch oven the wife.
    She will definitely punch me harder. Should be fun.

  9. Chris Rock should sue that henpecked bastard. Even though millions of people saw Rock assaulted by Smith, and it’s on the internet forever, bet all might be forgiven in typical Hollyweird fashion. Unless, Chris Rock decides he’s not playing along – then it’s on like Donkey Kong. LOL!!

  10. @Chuckie, exactly what I said – the a-hole was laughing until his dead weight of a wife glared at him. So they don’t like being made fun of, eh? Maybe they better apologize to all the Americans they degrade day in and day out or accept it instead of acting like little bitches.

  11. A supposed closet gay man clobbers a worn out comedian for a bad lebso joke about his supposed lesbo wife…
    Joke was a little to close to home billie boi?

  12. Your name…
    Opened hand or closed… Who really cares?

    The fact- You can assault someone live, on air, and STILL get an “Best Of award” on the same show says something regarding the fallacy of the world they live in….

  13. So, you can fuck Will Smith’s wife, and he has no issue with it. But if you poke fun at her bald head, then it’s assault time. Got it. Smith is still a whipped half-fag.

  14. Word on the freezing streets of Chicago is that Jussie Smollett is questioning this as a distraction from his miscarriage of Justice. Try slapping a big Nigerian wearing a MAGA hat if you want to see some real action.

  15. Who really cares about these people other than themselves? Will Smith defending his wife when he and she have had an “open marriage”? What a joke. All of a sudden he playin “family man”? Well, he is an actor after all.
    Hollywood, the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and just another tool being used to tear down Western Civilization.

  16. Fancy room. Formal clothes. Trashy people. Self-Impotant Peeps.
    Violence as communication.

    Can’t this fairly be labelled Institutional Niggarism?


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