This woman’s testimony alone should lead to serious investigation of Michigan’s counting process – IOTW Report

This woman’s testimony alone should lead to serious investigation of Michigan’s counting process

She says at least 60 boxes of ballots arrived in the dead of night, but no one was counting the vast majority of them. They weren’t allowed to leave but they did little work.

At 5AM they were told they could go. She said by 7AM Michigan announced that Biden gained 100,000 votes.

It sounds to me that workers were kept there to create the illusion that they were counting, but the real counting was going on elsewhere. Ballots that were kicked out were probably “cured.” Fraudulent ballots were added to Biden’s tally. Legitimate Trump ballots were destroyed.

16 Comments on This woman’s testimony alone should lead to serious investigation of Michigan’s counting process

  1. Why didn’t this woman demand to see the invoice of where these ballots came from? What was the proceedure to handle the arrival of late ballots? Did the election officials explain why these ballots came in so late? Too bad she did not have a cellphone to record the shenanigans that went on. Just like the good ole days with my brother, Billy, running the commonwealth of massachusetts.

  2. Off topic and I apologize for this but want to buy a gun. Need advice please. Single mom in mid 50”s. Had a shotgun but was too big for me. Just want something for protection and practice. I’m not trying to be a hero at 55.

  3. I saw the video in the below tweet earlier today as explained by Diamond and Silk on Newsmax. It shows Kentucky governor election vote count updates during the 2019 election. Not the current election.

    After an update Beshear’s vote count increases, as one would expect. But after the update the votes for Blevin instead decreased. Very strange.

    They attribute the vote count decrease for Bevin to capturing HAMMER/Scorecard in action.

    Well, maybe. There might be some other explanation. But it is curious why that would happen. I don’t know how the update vote count numbers are entered. It’s possible the previous vote count for Bevin was entered in error and was to high and the update corrected it. Video for minutes earlier and afterward would have to be seen to make a better judgement. After the election was over – Beshear-D defeated incumbent Bevin-R. .

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