Thomas Eric Duncan – Ebola Patient Zero – IOTW Report

Thomas Eric Duncan – Ebola Patient Zero

Ground zero for the first case of a non-quarantined ebola patient in the United States belongs to this guy –

tedThomas Eric Duncan

There should be no entrance into America if your passport says Africa on it. PERIOD.

This is not racist, it’s not Africaphobic, it’s not anything but common sense. And if some lefty wants to argue, send them to Africa.

And send President Obola there too. When he brought those African kings here to America he should have been quarantined for 3 weeks and made to sit in a corner with a dunce cap on.

The Daily Mail has more.

ht/ reddecaesari


19 Comments on Thomas Eric Duncan – Ebola Patient Zero

  1. Let’s hear it for Ebola Tom. Just like Typhoid Mary but with bonus bleeding from the eyes.

    Seriously, ever since the AIDS epidemic the gubmint has utterly failed in controlling serious disease. STD’s are skyrocketing, the borders are letting the infested Central American masses in without a hitch in their giddyup along into Medicaid but the Obama’s have a s**t fit if a fifth grader has a sugar cookie in the school cafeteria.

  2. Britain started restricting flights from Liberia and Sierra Leone a couple of months ago. The Brits have also had their hands full with smuggled “bush meat” that their African immigrants insist on bringing into the country.

    For the uninitiated, “bush meat” refers to any kind of small animal that can be hunted, killed and eaten. Small mammals of all descriptions, and primates like monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, and lemurs have all been identified as bush meat, and it may be likely that eating infected bush meat is how ebola made the original jump from animals to humans in the first place.

  3. just read the entire article…lotta details in there that haven’t been shared with us Americans…news blackout here? This is gonna be nightmare scenario in a few weeks, as the 21 days of incubation develop…God help us!

  4. There should be a law stating that anybody (outside military) going to the Dark Continent cannot re-enter the country.
    Essentially, self-quarantine.

    Of course Zippy would never agree to such a measure.
    Would hurt some feeeeeeeelings.

    Whatever…get ready to hunker down.
    This shit is going to get real real fast.

  5. I kind of feel a bit sorry for this guy as it sounds like he contracted it trying to help get his landlords daughter to a hospital (she later died along with the others that were helping). Having said that, I suspect he came to the states even after knowingly being exposed because he knew that may be his only chance to survive. What he should have done is disclose his full itinerary to the customs guys the moment he landed. The customs guys sound like they weren’t on the ball with people coming into the country. I hope the checking is a lot more stringent now.

    If the death toll in Africa keeps going up and they can’t maintain a firewall the I can see countries essentially closing off the continent until the disease burns itself out or a vaccine is found.

  6. Remember that elixir made out of tobacco? Well, they only had enough for what, two patients?

    Could it be they have much more but it’s being kept for the elites in case they or their concubines contract Ebola?

  7. “There should be no entrance into America if your passport says Africa on it.”

    I don’t care if it is racist, until the epidemic is squelched, it would be good policy.

    Problem: the natives only have to get to Mexico. Then they just walk into America.

  8. Remember the camel scratchers virus. The first case in the U.S. was brought into the country through O’Hare Airport, by someone who just returned from SA. I started my screaming about quarantine back then right here on this blog.

    So much for common sense.

    There is a t-shirt available that says:

    Common sense is so rare, it should be considered a Super Power.

  9. My question is, why TF was he allowed to leave Liberia if he had been in contact with Ebola patients?

    And why TF did we allow him in? Even if a person entering the country from a known Ebola “hot zone” isn’t showing symptoms, he could still be a carrier, and his blood needs to be tested before he can enter.

  10. Obolaa needs Ebola to declare Marshal law.
    Laugh if you want, but why is the government so anxious to let these people in? Common sense says “if you’re African, stay the hell out of here”.
    Why is the government so determined to bring Ebola here? I smell some really ugly fish in this stir fry.

  11. How long before our piss ant media decides to
    deliver the truth like the British papers ?
    Oh, I forgot our press cretins think they hung
    the moon and Americans can like their product
    or lump it. They can think that all the way
    into their death spiral which by my estimation
    has already commenced.

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