Thomas Sowell On What Drives The Left – IOTW Report

Thomas Sowell On What Drives The Left

One of the shining lights of America’s intellectual elite, Thomas Sowell explains why the left hates every institution that holds up our society. It’s the narrative the left constantly tells itself and insist the rest of us share their vision of how to rid the world of its woes. Watch

14 Comments on Thomas Sowell On What Drives The Left

  1. I read Conflict of Visions when it first came out, and have reread it a couple times since. I’m not at all convinced that “the left” is motivated by a desire for what is best for mankind. It is inconceivable to me at at this point that the hard left, i.e. the followers of the progressive movement, are not primarily motivated by a compulsion to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  2. JDHasty March 2, 2021 at 4:17 pm

    The old saying ‘Misery loves Company’ was poisted to describe the Left. The are a miserable, envious, and hateful lot that will burn the world if given the opportunity.

  3. What about all the people who are libtards who are seeing what’s going on and are now puzzled at what they see the radical left is doing, but still try to rationalize it because “ORANGE MAN BAD!”

  4. @ Andy’s dad MARCH 2, 2021 AT 4:30 PM

    Dr Sowell advances the argument that although both the left and the right have differing and conflicting political philosophies or worldviews that each believes theirs will result in a world in which there is less innocent suffering, misery and death in the world. I went along with that thesis for decades and gave the benefit of the doubt and conceded good intentions to the left for far too long.

    At this point I sincerely believe they are in service to Satan. Their active hostility to The Good knows no limit.

    Leftists are miserable sonsabitches and it goes beyond loving company, they demand company. They were born in the image of God, but freely chose to reduce themselves to nothing more than envy driven and resentment stoked engines of innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  5. each believes theirs will result in a world in which there is less innocent suffering, misery and death in the world

    Should read: each believes recognizing that the world is as they understand it to be proceeding accordingly will result in a world in which there is less innocent suffering, misery and death in the world

  6. @JDHasty: Conflict of Visions is one of my favorite books. Leftism started out with their (incorrect) vision of what would be best and how to achieve it. That was the origin in the 18 & 19th century. There still was a Judeo-Christian morality underpinning the beliefs. Lately that morality has not only been rejected, but is viewed as immoral. Hence Leftisms descent into Hell on Earth.

    I also think that leftism is full of power-hungry tyrants. The elites who are that way from the beginning disguise their lust for power as leftism and the need to control things to achieve Utopia. Elite leftists who are ideologues devolve into tyrants who must enforce Leftism for the good of the many – even if it means killing a few people along the way. Hence, the elites are all power-mad whether they started from a position of ideology or from tyranny directly. I could go on, but I risk turning this into an SNS length post.

  7. A Russian peasant had one goat and he was jealous that his neighbor had two goats. a Genie appeared and and granted him a wish. The peasant wished that one of his neighbor’s goats would die. This mindset is deeply implanted into the minds of those who have lived under communism for any length of time.

  8. A Russian peasant had one goat and he was jealous that his neighbor had two goats. A Genie appeared and granted him a wish. The peasant wished that one of his neighbor’s goats would die. This mindset is deeply implanted into the minds of those who have lived under communism for any length of time.

  9. It’s not about what works or doesn’t work: the left doesn’t want a discussion. They want raw power. The truth is something to be destroyed, as are we. BLM goons and Antifa goons – nor their handlers – give a crap about what Thomas Sowell say, or anyone like him.

    We take power back or we are destroyed. It’s that simple.


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