Those Walls are Finally Closing In… on Joe Biden – According To Ukrainian MP He Was Personally Paid 900k By Burisma – IOTW Report

Those Walls are Finally Closing In… on Joe Biden – According To Ukrainian MP He Was Personally Paid 900k By Burisma

The walls around Trump are spacious. Biden, however, can touch the front and back door at the same time.


This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” said Derkach. 

Derkach also puiblicized sums of money transferred to Burisma Group representatives – including Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

“According to the documents, Burisma paid no less than $16.5 million to [former Polish President, who became an independent director at Burisma Holdings in 2014] Aleksander Kwasniewski, [chairman of the Burisma board of independent directors] Alan Apter, [Burisma independent director] Devon Archer and Hunter Biden [who joined the Burisma board of directors in 2014],” Derkach added. 

“Using political and economic levelers of influencing Ukrainian authorities and manipulating the issue of providing financial aid to Ukraine, Joe Biden actively assisted closing criminal cases into the activity of former Ukrainian Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, who is the founder and owner of Burisma Group.” 


22 Comments on Those Walls are Finally Closing In… on Joe Biden – According To Ukrainian MP He Was Personally Paid 900k By Burisma

  1. …Leftist will just say it proves that the President is colluding with Ukraine and that he TOLD them to say that, and carry on with the “WE NEED A DISTRACTION!” non-impeachment unofficial impeachment…

  2. They’re closing in, but I don’t they’ll ever fall. I listened to Sean Hannity yesterday and wanted to call in and ask him to read the list of all of the democrats and deep state players that are in jail or at least under indictment right now from this coup. Of course the answer is ZERO. I am convinced we have a two-tier justice system, and no matter how hard Trump works, it will never change. Even if he gets a second term, the left will play four-corners and run the clock out, knowing that either a democrat or a rino will win in 2024 and then everything goes back to the way it was. I hope I’m wrong.

  3. Id this is true and they can tie Biden personally to the cash then you’ll here Biden drop out of the race in order “to spend his fulltime fighting these lies and insults to his character”. That’s the standard resignation/drop-out line use by politicians of all parties and at all levels. As soon as this happens you’ll see the real nominee start to come out. Slowly at first then with greater speed and presence as well as the members of the clown car start to drop out and just take the cash or throw themselves behind the the real nominee.

  4. Biden’s son. Pelosi’s son. John Kerry’s son. All on the take for millions from the Ukraine. Clinton is also on the take from the Ukraine and Haiti.


  5. I always wanted to know what the deal was between Ds and Rs.
    Rs ALWAYS bent over for Ds, since before Watergate.

    What’s in that damn Warren Report?

    Maybe times have changed?? Thank God for President Trump!


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