Those Wanting to Reverse Their Transitions Abandoned by the Medical Community – IOTW Report

Those Wanting to Reverse Their Transitions Abandoned by the Medical Community


After being swarmed by health providers who enabled her to medically transition as a minor, Prisha Mosley now says she’s been abandoned by the medical community as she attempts to navigate a complicated and painful detransition.

“I was under the impression that my doctors, who were transitioning me, loved me. They said they didn’t want me to die, they were saving my life, they were worried about me, and they wanted me to be healthy and happy,” Prisha told me. “Clearly, they don’t love me. As soon as it’s not profitable, they don’t want to help.” Continues

20 Comments on Those Wanting to Reverse Their Transitions Abandoned by the Medical Community

  1. “primum nil nocere”…”First do no harm”

    The Hippocratic oath doesn’t contain this exact phrase, with is attributed to the 17th century English physician Thomas Sydenham. The modern medical community although, apparently have taken this to mean;…Not to their bottom line.
    Hopefully this person has learned the life lesson; there is only one TRUE LOVE in this life, God and his son Jesus Christ. All else is to be measured against that standard.

  2. The medical community may have abandoned them, but the civil courts won’t. More and more of these “transition” victims are seeking remuneration through civil suits directed at the doctors and the clinics, and these payouts will be massive.

    Project Veritas has already revealed how lucrative these surgeries are but the common theme for redress is the appalling lack of proper counseling.

    When an anorexic teenage girl goes to her doctor and says she feels fat, the proper diagnosis is NOT to do liposuction on her but to provide professional competent counseling. Ditto with the huge majority of these “confused” adolescents who nine times out of ten are the result of an overbearing woke parent or doctor attempting to affirm that which is not apparent.

    Huge settlements will rectify a portion of this but the woke mob possesses the whip hand, moving the Overton Window at will. This fight is only going to get worse.

  3. Just wondering how much of an negative impact those grooming teachers have in some of this? Impressionable kid, without a loving household, clings to the so called “caring” teacher only to find out later in life teacher was grooming. Where misery loves company, groomer only wanted another person to experience all the pain and suffering he/she/it is going through, not to mention the “they just don’t understand us” mindset they claim they are trying so hard to deal with.

  4. Speaking of grooming teachers, DJT just went on Truth Social attacking RDS, calling him a groomer of teenage girls years ago when he was a school teacher;

    Trump should avoid all attacks when it comes to the treatment of women, for obvious reasons.

  5. “I was under the impression that my doctors, who were transitioning me, loved me. They said they didn’t want me to die, they were saving my life, they were worried about me, and they wanted me to be healthy and happy,”

    …setting aside how deeply, how completely, how thoroughly a “doctor” has betrayed his oath that he agrees to cut healthy tissue off to suit your mental illness instead of treat your mental illness…

    …why would you ever…E V E R …THINK THAT A DOCTOR LOVES YOU?!?!?!?

    …THAT is SERIOUSLY wack, and the moreso if a “doctor” leads you to BELIEVE he loves you.

    …AND, if your doctor DOES actually love you (he doesn’t) that would be hugely improper and wrong and dangerous on a whole bunch of OTHER levels.

    …look, medical professionals project caring, and do care to the extent that that they generally care about other people and SPECIFICALLY care about them in the context of their sworn duties, BUT a doctor, nurse, ANYONE in a patent care context would go bugshit insane if they “loved”, truly, deeply, “loved” even a PERCENTAGE of their patients. Shit goes wrong with people. Doctors can’t always fix it. If the professional internalizes this across hundreds of people, they will mentally collapse from the inevitible failures.

    Plus, THAT level of caring even if true is FUCKING DANGEROUS. Its generally a rule to not treat your nearest and dearest, because its IMPOSSIBLE to be objective about it to the degree that making hard choices can demand. Take a legit surgery, like cutting off a leg on a young child in a bid to get ahead of osteogenic sarcoma. Objectively, to even have a CHANCE of surviving that fast-moving cancer, you need to cut high and cut hard, often an above-the-knee amputation, on a child that just a couple of days ago was running and jumping and playing and living their best life. The child will not understand the need, and will only know they are being hurt and crippled by everyone they are supposed to trust.

    As a doctor, you need to be flint-eyed and stone-hearted about this, confident in your DX and careful how you word everything. The child will DIE TERRIBLY if you leave the leg on even a bit longer. BUT if you give out even a LITTLE hope…and there CAN be a LITTLE…that maybe, MAYBE they WON’T, what parent wouldn’t choose to wait until all hope is gone, as signified by their child dying painfully?

    As their DOCTOR, you can be OBJECTIVE. Do what needs done. Without crying into the patients wound and fogging up your eye shields. Compartmentalization is a wonderful thing.

    …but as a PARENT, who kisses their child every night, gives and gets warm hugs, reads them to sleep over hot cocoa, tells them everything will be OK and they can do or be anything they want…are you STILL objective? Can you NOT tell your child there is that tiny hope? Can you not do more and more painful things like try to excise the cancer and hope it didn’t spread?

    Can you love them, TRULY love them, and still keep it together to do what needs done to SAVE them?

    ….now translate this to paychopath excuses for surgeons who cut the healthy nads off the clinically insane for profit.

    You think THEY care about the HUNDREDS of lives they directly ruined, or the THOUSANDS that are affected by it? You really think they CAN care?


    …Thinking that a DOCTOR LOVES YOU AS A PERSON is a surer sign of your mental illness than your supposed gender dysphoria is.

    And leading you to THINK he loves you as a person is a sure sign that HE is a mentally ill pyschopathic user that stokes his ego with your unreserved trust.

    Neither of you therefore is in any way fit to consent to any sort of medical procedure.

    The rest of your story only CONFIRMS that.

    …I could give you many more examples on just how irredeemably toxic a professional relationship is when poisoned by “love”.

    No REAL doctor would allow it.

    And no patient should ever…EVER…completely abdicate their own well-being to someone because they think the other person KNOWS whats best for them and CAN ALWAYS and WILL ALWAYS act in someone ELSE’S best interests.

    That’s NOT how humans are wired.


  6. Rich Taylor

    Well, there is actually something behind that. Be patient. It will come out. You should know by now that if Trump grabs onto a narrative and won’t let go, there’s probably something to it.

  7. Switch #1: Take very sensitive body parts & turn them into barely sensing non-functioning poor counterfeits that get infected.

    Switch #2 (Back): take barely sensing & damaged body parts, re-mangle them again, making them further less functioning & worse counterfeits.

    The #1 Question NO ONE EVER ASKS these Narcissists is,” Do you realize How many people in the world do without needed medical procedures because Doctors are busy doing this Bull-Shit rather than important stuff?”

    What a waste of resources.

  8. And on the flip side of this the FDA is trying to reclassify Testosterone to prevent TRT in men. They’ve already done it to hCG. However, if you are transitioning you can get all you want for free. Our Government views strong straight males as a threat.

  9. A quote from the Satanic Church oh Idaho.

    “The Satanic Temple – Gender Affirming Ritual – Hormone Therapy
    The first time you are going to administer your hormone treatment, fill a glass of water
    & lay your treatment out in front of you. Have a handheld mirror with you or set
    yourself up in front of a mirror.
    Holding the mirror, or looking into the mirror in front of you, take a deep breath
    inhaling for 6 seconds, holding for 6 seconds, & exhaling for 6 seconds, then say out
    loud, “Thyself is Thy Master. I praise myself. I know myself. I love myself. Through
    science I am able to become more of myself.””

  10. Remember, in every fascist revolution, who were the first people killed? – The useful idiots of the fascists! (Why? Because they fascist leaders know the useful idiots willing to do violence to further the ‘revolution’ just might rise-up when they realize how they’ve been used by the fascist leaders.) As for these mutilated young people, maybe they’ll learn two things: their parents are useful idiots who caused their mutilation, and they too have become useful idiots – and they’ll change they way they vote.

  11. Socrates was executed for “corrupting the youth of Athens” by teaching them to think and to analyze everything – to question (the Socratic method).

    These “doctors” are mangling, maiming, and mutilating children!
    Where is justice?
    Simple execution is too quick for these quacks – they need to experience it themselves.
    Mentally and physically torturing children should be illegal.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. “I was under the impression that my doctors, who were transitioning me, loved me. They said they didn’t want me to die, they were saving my life, they were worried about me, and they wanted me to be healthy and happy,” Prisha told me. “Clearly, they don’t love me. As soon as it’s not profitable, they don’t want to help.”

    You were also under the impression that you would be a woman, give birth to children, breast feed, have menstruation, but like the real woman you yearned to be, it never materialized. I can’t garner any sympathy for IT, IT will end up killing ITS self. I suppose that’s the saddest part of it all if it does it.


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