Thou Shalt Not Be A Moronic Tool of the Left – IOTW Report

Thou Shalt Not Be A Moronic Tool of the Left

We need to add a few more commandments to Moses’ tablets just to address the awful waste product generated from years of leftist nonsense.
Case in point, Michael Reed. This confused idiot smashed his truck into the Ten Commandments monument on the Arkansas state house grounds less than a day after it was installed.

Listen to the imbecile try to justify his act of vandalism Here

More on the work put into installing the monument Here and the aftermath Here

14 Comments on Thou Shalt Not Be A Moronic Tool of the Left

  1. Labeling this idiot, with an intelligence quotient under 25, a moron gives morons a bad name.
    He is now eligible to work with the ACLU, SEIU and other progressive/socialist organizations.

  2. I’ve read he has a previous diagnosis of Schizophrenia.
    But obviously he knew exactly what he was doing. Planning and effective execution.

    I suggest organ harvesting. There’s always a need for even a Leftist’s heart, kidneys and stem cells.

  3. From what I can tell, the Southern Poverty Law Center would label the organizations that worked hard to raise funds and have the monument installed as hate groups, but any organization to which this nutcase belongs would not be labeled as a hate group.
    But which organizations truly exhibit more hatred?
    Not the ones SPLC labels as hate groups.

  4. Early reports were that he did the same thing to Ten Commandments display in Oklahoma years back.
    They let him go.

    Of course, you know how erroneous early reports can be. I’ll have to follow up.

  5. don’t tell me about separation of church and state- when God first gave the commandments it was for a civil- moral government and a spiritual one. the two go hand in hand. you can’t run a country or nation without the laws of God. don’t kill- don’t steal-don’t cheat on your spouse- et cetera. However, what this person did was only destroy cement- the law of God should be in the heart. here-in lies the problem with humans today- nobody teaches these laws anymore. as a kid in school many many years ago we said the pledge and the ten commandments before class. now–nobody can even recite them.

  6. Part of his punishment should be standing where the monument was (say for 8 hours a day), wearing a sign that has the ten commandments on it, until the monument can be replaced.

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