.@SteveRattner uses charts to argue Red States would lose out in a #NationalDivorce
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 23, 2023
"They wouldn’t have $ for their projects. They wouldn’t have new bridges. They wouldn’t have federal installations in their districts. They wouldn’t have food stamps. They wouldn’t have Medicaid" pic.twitter.com/wfuhMvYg2p
48 Comments on Thoughts?
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They wouldn’t have bullshit federal mandates to fund and would be much better for it
They also would see an exodus of freeloaders
We wouldn’t have the slackers and the violent either, and prison bills would initially spike, but then go down as executions go up.
And once THOSE guys are dead or driven off, shrinkage would go down dramatically as investments go up as investors don’t have to worry so much about their businesses being raided, their employees assaulted, and their buildings burned.
Why didn’t they break this out by race? Oh yeah cuz white men pay for it all…. not states. They are trying to scare us with poverty… I’d rather be poor in a country run by people who don’t hate me, than rich in a country where the government despises me.
If this is so great for blue state since when has msnbc looked out for the best interest of red states? They should be all for it.
Don’t listen to the Hobbit, he lies & decieves, this is not Middle earth.
subterfuge from parasite government class. 50 state secession would instantly end: CIA FBI FED IRS…. WEF UN NATO Gates Soros Schwab endless war and the list goes on
Same people who said Russia would be crushed by sanctions. None of them know how real economies work.
“They wouldn’t have food stamps. They wouldn’t have Medicaid”
Or any other social welfare entitlements, which are the bulk of the federal budget. The “takers” would move to the Blue States and the “makers” would move to the Red States. It’s already happening to a certain extent (Tesla to Texas, for example), but with the welfare programs, the slackers are moving also. And don’t forget, Blue states ent open borders, so illegals will also flood there, further bankrupting them.
1.) They’re worried about the consequences.
2.) They’d like us to think they’re being charitable in sharing their skewed information that if believed, is relevant to the nation as it currently exists.
3.) They assume they’d be in charge of us.
4.) They assume that a new nation would be unable to govern itself without DC bureaucrats. Their egos have them believing that only they can govern.
We have three choices. We separate, we fight a civil war with no guarantee of victory or we accept the guaranteed inevitable that they intern us and eventually eliminate us. There can be no dissension in their utopia. They’ll happily intern us but eventually we’ll be determined to cost them more than we’re worth. History shows us this with clarity.
Hopefully I’ll no longer be walking this earth before the shit hits the fan. It’s going to hit, I believe that with every fiber of my being. It may be financially, it may be socially, it may be militarily or a combination but there is no getting around it. History also shows us this with clarity.
FJB and every single one of his demcom followers.
FEBRUARY 23, 2023 AT 8:10 AM
And once THOSE guys are dead or driven off, shrinkage would go down dramatically as investments go up as investors don’t have to worry so much about their businesses being raided, their employees assaulted, and their buildings burned.
…and they don’t have to worry about a rapacious, overweening State government legally stealing any money theyDO manage to make to fund the graft and corruption of those bloated, ineffective programs.
Cognitive ignorance. This guy’s faulty opinion requires that the free market does not work as it has during Trump’s administration and as in every republican state. Most importantly, and what democrats hate the most, is republican states will protect children from democrat predators.
This guy’s argument is completely wrong but possibly correct for other reasons.
It depends on who owns the actual Land, Resources, Assets and esp TECH & TRADING.
1)If the richest people were Living in NY or California (like they do) AND had TITLE of PROPERTY in RED STATES and CONTROL of FINANCE,
2) And were also in Control of Government & the Military (like they currently are) Think of where those Carriers are docked
3) And refused to let their Citizens leave (California exit tax) like they are attempting.
4) And were supported by a HUGE GLOBALIST NETWORK, (WEF/UN/etc.)
— BILLY tiny tins Gates — Tech is also on the coasts folks.
6) Control of Ports & Shipping & manufacturing. (sea access)
Its actually a Tough Call in the SHORT TERM.
— Look at Ukraine War — they have infinite outside help (UN/WEF/NATO)
Like it or not, as Americans, You have to FIX CALIFORNIA & rescue it from those who have Taken it.
HOWEVER: If the divorce involved an even break off of Tech, Finance, Assets, and DEBT, with NO Outside Interference, Hands down RED.
Just my opinion, and I’m not happy about it.
There would also be a migration each way of like minded people. That would make blue states closer to 100% takers.
We see how Portland and San Fran look already and we laugh at your lousy predictions.
@ Kcir – watching in “THE” Canuckistan
First rule in red states – no foreign ownership of assets in red states. You buy and move? You forfeit ownership. Better to sell first so you can take some money with you.
The red states have the basic resources needed for life: food and energy production. The Blue states have the media and entertainment and financial industries. For long-term survival, I’d bet on the red states.
A chance we’re willing to take, Joe. Now, don’t you have some intern to murder?
The South will rise again!
“They wouldn’t have federal installations in their districts. They wouldn’t have food stamps. They wouldn’t have Medicaid.”
As if those are bad things?
What a fukkin moron. Food stamps and Medicaid (what about Medicare?) are vast corrupt scams – just like Socialist Security – programs from whence pols steal with impunity.
I guess in the Renewed United States there’d be some pols who want to steal, but they’d have to develop their own scams – not that that’d be a problem. Oh, they can have all the illegal-alien invading rat-people, too.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
The nihilists could pursue their dreams of tyranny and perversion without hearing the carping of Freedom-loving people who aren’t perverts.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I’m past wanting a divorce.
I want their funerals.
It’s the only way abuse victims, finally feel free.
I often bristle at the comments from some who say we need a third party.
NO. We need to take back OUR party, the Republican party does not belong to the fake Rs.
Now, the same with the USA. Get rid of everything that is anti constitutional; unelected political agencies who make rules, 2/3 of every Executive Order, Federal politicians must work part time with a paltry salary because they work outside DC in their home states and live under the rules/laws they create, need Term Limits for life, no business, organization, or agency cannot exist in this country without being under our laws for EVERYONE, and no foreign ownership of anything in the USA.
Insurance would underwrite INDIVIDUAL risk. The cost would plummet for that reason alone. Throw in all of the societal and medical pathologies the left incubates and it is a clear win.
…keep in mind that blue states will direct anger at their failures outwards and almost immediately send people to red states to look and kill, because that’s how they roll…they will say they want because of White Supremacy and the red states exist on the backs of slave labor that was stolen from “the people”, so its only just to attack civilians in irregular groups to “take back what is theirs”, so Red states best establish borders and arm the crap out of them…
Department of Transportation would build and maintain transportation infrastructure. Imagine that
In the present companies are leaving blue states and going to red states in droves.
It would happen at a greater pace if the blue states divided from the red states.
The blue states wouldn’t have enough wealthy liberals to tax to fund their socialist utopia.
FEBRUARY 23, 2023 AT 9:41
Without envy and resentment progressivism would be gone immediately
How would we ever function without faggots and freaks running things?
…and it’s moot anyway because any such “divorce” would have to be put to a “vote”, and, well, we know how Democrats do “votes”…
…even BEFORE Dominion, they hijacked votes, sometimes rather blatantly…when Kansas was deciding to enter as a free or slave state in the antebellum period, “Border Riders” were sent from Missoui to Kansas to “Make sure the vote comes out right”, resulting in the fraud that was the Lecompton Consititution that was pushed for acceptance by then-Democrat President James Buchanan, with violence all day, every day, murder and worse, search “Bleeding Kansas” for further details…
ht tps://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/bleeding-kansas
…it would be like that, but worse. Democrats are MORE vicious, LESS sane, MORE Violent, and the weapons are much, much better…
Oh please we beg of you Mr Fox, don’t throw us into the briar patch!
Trust me on this there is no self identified “progressive” anywhere who is even capable of any concern whatsoever for anyone other than themselves. They are Marxist/Satanists and by definition straight up materialists. Everything is reduced to an economic calculation by the subhuman pieces of shit. Their only concern is if it advances their personal agenda and being as the subhuman pieces of shit have embraced envy as a cardinal virtue and are as such consumed by resentment… you do the math.
@ Tim – FJB FEBRUARY 23, 2023 AT 9:16 AM
Got that shit straight. Those who fall on hard times would be able to pick up a bag of govt rice and another of beans and maybe a block of govt cheese to get them by. And they would express gratitude to the faith based charities who have voluntarily augmented that until they get back on their feet.
Gimmedats would be given a swift kick in the ass and a one-way bus ticket to blue Nirvana.
…and Blue Nirvana would welcome them with open arms. Right? More like what we all saw go down on Martha’s Vineyard.
In study after study, self identified “progressives” have been the most parsimonious when it comes to charity and it isn’t even close.
As if the federal government sends tons of money to red states now.
Besides, that federal money comes from states in the first place.
“I often bristle at the comments from some who say we need a third party. ”
I use to feel the same. However if Trump is cheated out of the nomination I hope he goes third party. That would drive a stake through the heart of the GOP. Eliminating half of our enemies.
Steve Rattner is dumber than a box of rocks. That’s the most screwed up logic I’ve heard in a while. That’s what you end up with when you start with your preferred answer and back into the equation.
California is going thru a messy divorce right now. In the last 4 years California has lost 50% of it’s tax base. People moving their businesses out of California to greener pastures. I haven’t heard any of those states complaining. In fact New Scum is trying to continue taxing those people and businesses that left. Good luck with that.
Divorce assumes we are on speaking terms.
@JDHasty — I had the same immediate reaction!
As for Elliott the mental midget:
He seems to have the ridiculous notion that those things are assets to be sought after.
Blue states wouldn’t have food, or at least not as much.
Can anyone say food riots?
If a National Divorce ever happened, Red States better have kick ass state sanctioned military defense of some kind, militias etc. Also extremely strict adherence to The U.S. Constitution and restrictions on residency.
Blue States leftist rule is inherently corrupt. Rampant crime and poverty would be the Blue State norm. Hordes of Blue State “residents” will try to invade to get relief. Blue States would encourage their residents attack Red States because they would despise the successful governing of Red States.
We already know the destructive efforts Blue States are capable of implementing. Red States will have to be on the offense 24/7 to defend their territory.
Absolutely agree, Claudia. We don’t need a third party. Just clean up the GOP. Actual conservatives should make it uncomfortable for RINOs and Democrats to usurp the Republican Party. Republicans – STOP REACHING ACROSS THE AISLE! It’s self sabotage.
typical libtard projection
he meant WE wouldn’t money for OUR projects
the conservative working class pays for all the projects, not the other way around
“They wouldn’t have $ for their projects. ”
$, as in the USD ??? The USDollar would ONLY have worth as toilet paper at that point, and the Leftists wouldn’t even have Energy available to print that. Union pensions, government entitlements… POOF!!
The capable producers who would only live in a “red state” would trade in a entirely new currency, perhaps a certified bartering system, totally leaving out all the parasites, including but not limited to government bureaucrats and those unwilling or incapable of work.
Their would be enormous pain and monumental losses in such an upheaval, BUT only one side would survive and it won’t be the kookoo fantasy idiot side!
Only a useful idiot would assume disconnecting from overreaching socialist government agencies and programs that drain taxpayers finances is something detrimental – it’s not.
30% of all US welfare cases are in ONE state – California. (CA has 12% of the population).
The lost money really only matters with the social security and medicare that everybody has been paying into.
Red states wouldn’t have men who think they are having babies and breast feeding. Red states would not have freakish weirdo men who steal women’s suitcases to wear their clothes. There would be no senile pedophile as Resident.
A case of classic “projection”.
I’ll take my chances with a divorce, and not getting any Gooberment agencies….with all the subsequent Gooberment pocket picking tax soaking and poverty. I’ll take my chances with keeping my own money in my own pocket, ThankYouVeryMuch.
“Don’t throw me into da briar patch”. hehehe good line.
Oh, and if it comes to it, even as old as I am, I’d volunteer to take turns standing watch/guard at the state border against rovers, reavers, and invaders. Just keep me supplied with coffee and ammunition.
ok. we got a deal.
Let’s just shut up and try it; we’re already sinking.
If you work you do not want FOOD STAMPS! Workers do not want MEDI – CAL!
Jail birds want food stamps and MediCal!
There is not one person in the entire Biden administration who is capable of resetting a tripped circuit breaker, let alone any other skill useful to sustain life on earth. I’d like to see the Blue Statists try to keep the electrical grid functioning by standing under the power lines and screaming pronouns at the towers.