Thoughts and Prayers For Our Friends Up the Eastern Coastline – IOTW Report

Thoughts and Prayers For Our Friends Up the Eastern Coastline


Hurricane Dorian has intensified into a Category 3 major hurricane once again and will track near the coasts of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and southeastern Virginia into Friday, delivering a siege of storm-surge flooding, high winds and flooding rain.


Site traffic is significantly down. That means we have a lot of worried and pre-occupied readers out there. We are pulling for you guys.

10 Comments on Thoughts and Prayers For Our Friends Up the Eastern Coastline

  1. I am praying for them as well.
    What is plainly obvious is the unpredictability of Mother Nature.
    For the past week and a half we have heard of Florida being chopped off the United States by Dorian.
    And amazingly, earlier tonight, 10 dickwagons running for president actually had the gall to tell Americans that in precisely 11 years we are doomed.

    Can’t predict a storm’s path a week out, yet a decade? No problemo…

  2. I feel sorry for those who listen to the weather men.
    Over the top weather predictions cost only those who listen to them.
    The weathermen pay no price for being wrong.
    It’s the only job you can keep, while being wrong 50% of the time.
    It’s always a good idea to be safe, if there was just someplace where the people could get a modicum of realistic prediction, instead of always jumping on the catastrophe band wagon.
    Now, they still expect you to believe they know what the weather will be in 10, 20, 30 years?
    Catastrophe bandwagon, it’s their placemat.
    Yep, still here, grumpy too.

  3. All along the path …for those in peril from the sea…

    storms are great social levelers.

    May God especially protect the Outer Banks of NC which I consider among the prettiest places on this earth…

  4. This is gonna be a wild ride, 30 miles inland, coastal Carolina. We were ‘stranded’ for 2 weeks by Florence, unable to get out of this backwater swamp. Prep is done, well armed and armored, sitting on high ground. As long as the 100′ pine trees surrounding the house don’t git us, we’ll be just fine..

  5. We’re in the warned area, tested my generators last weekend, getting extra fuel today. I don’t expect to have it too bad but will enjoy the time off if we get it. In an area mostly at sea level we are about 80 feet above. Chose the house for that reason.

  6. Richard Cranium – I have the same setup here in Louisiana except that I’m one mile from the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain

    Every time it gets windy here we worry about the 100 foot pines next door


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