Thoughts on this? – IOTW Report

Thoughts on this?

Watch the older man with white hair, goatee and blue shirt.

50 Comments on Thoughts on this?

  1. Thoughts? Don’t get in anyone’s face unless you are prepared for the consequences. If they fellow had a Glock the protesters would have disbursed.

    The older fellow did the right thing. Probably prevented multiple assaults, or worse.

  2. So he has a gun and an earring. Cool. and WTF are they protesting about now? Are we never allowed to eat outside at a restaurant again? In peace? It’s so tiresome.

  3. Don’t pull a firearm unless you are absolutely ready to use it. Don’t assume the act of brandishing it will deter the other guy. It could have the opposite effect.

  4. It’s common knowledge that BLM and Antifa have been training for “Direct Action” last winter. Sooner or later there’s going to be a gun fight. Plan accordingly and carry a real gun. Regardless of whether you have a carry permit or not. I’m reasonably sure BLM has not applied for them.

  5. Considering that still photos of the confrontation showed that one of the protesters had a sidearm…I’d say that his choice to keep it holstered saved him from a .380 spleen vent.
    The guy with the white hair did good.

  6. I do agree that he did the right thing. He could not have known that antifa jackass was armed, but that is just another reason to have a CCW and to be prepared.
    On the other hand, if it is me, I want something larger than that popgun (I have a S&W MP .40), but anything is better than nothing.

  7. Not impressed by the gun as an intimidation tool and it’s so small I can’t tell for sure, but it looks like he has his finger on the trigger. Moreover, I’m left wondering why the white protesters seem to be the ones ignoring the requests/instructions of the female black protester (who is also open carrying). Seems kinda racist on their part.

  8. After watching these protests all last summer, and now again this year, this is the single-greatest thing that infuriates me about what they do; the mob descending upon patrons at restaurants and sidewalk cafes, harassing people, accusing them, instigating conflict, and often destroying the establishment.

    Their “beef” is with the police, so why harass and intimidate innocent civilians who are free to live as they choose?

    I hate bullies and those who attempt to assert their will over people unjustly. BLM and Antifa are authoritarian bullies who demand autonomy for themselves while insisting that you conform to their list of demands.

    They have yet to encounter the pissed-off citizenry in any meaningful way. But it’s coming.

    The blue-shirt guy is making a stand which tells these animals “you will go no further.” Good for him.

    Watch the tatted-up, shaved-head BLM goon who is wearing a chest-rig: he has a semi-auto drawn in his right hand as he’s watching from the fringe. Do not underestimate these animals.

    Peaceful but prepared.

  9. It’s a set-up. Theatre for the Presstitutes and Media Pimps to distribute to the masses and say “Here’s your boogeyman, The white man with a gun…( what appears to be a two-short derringer pistol .. insert eyeroll here). Isn’t he scary?”… plain and simple. I carry EVERY DAY. If you see me in public, I am armed. No way in hell would I remove my weapon from is holster unless I was going to be place in a situation I had use it… plain and simple.

  10. After watching again:

    There is a second goon with a rifle who is in the front of the group exchanging words with the patrons. Look to the left of screen more under the umbrella area. The mob is presenting a show of force, blue shirt guy decided to as well.

    No problem from me.

  11. I carry a .38spl with 158g +P loads, not because it’s my favorite sidearm but because it’s the most unobtrusive, especially in warm weather. You’ll only see it if you’re an immanent threat but you’ll have to look quickly because once it comes out, there’s a really high probability that it’s going off.

  12. And if I remember correctly, the cops were across the street letting it all unfold. But I’m sure had shots been fired, the would have helped remove the bodies and direct traffic.

  13. “Confrontation between patrons at La Chasse and RIOTERS.”

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  14. BLM and Antifa are being used by the democrats to harass anyone who they see as a threat to their cause. That’s why they’re left to run loose and allowed to escape punishment. The democrats silence about these groups tells you democrats are not America’s friend, watch out for them they are back stabbers on a mission.

  15. Tactically, this guy didn’t do one thing right. He should have left it concealed. Faded into the back. Get small, grey. Get behind others. If you have loved ones with you get them inside or find as much cover as possible. The trick to surviving a situation like that is getting your weapon deployed after,or right before, the shit starts. Standing there with a gun that’s got a one inch sight radius is pretty stupid.

  16. In his position, I think I’d brandish in the low ready. Don’t point a gun at a person until you’re decided to shoot them. By pointing the gun, he’s actually given the Antifa cunt with a gun a Castle Doctrine defense for shooting him.

  17. It would have been fun to watch someone start shooting from above & behind, into the rioters. Bird shot would have been sufficient. 22shorts. Paintball pellets.

    Can you say, “Rooftop Koreans”? I knew you could, boys and girls.

  18. Tony R
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 12:19 PM
    “And if I remember correctly, the cops were across the street letting it all unfold. But I’m sure had shots been fired, the would have helped remove the bodies and direct traffic.”

    …and arrest all non-Democrats present, find out where they live, send SWAT teams to seize all their guns, and call the media before the raids so EVERYONE knows where they live and that their families are now disarmed behind Police-broken locks.

    …which, again, is why we’d be better off WITHOUT the police at they only do the Democrats’ dirty work now…

  19. Apparently the guy next to him in the pink pants was armed also.
    I see at least 2 of the thugs carrying firearms of some sort.
    That waitress is a beast.
    She could take any of those soy boys and pound them into next week.

    First thing to come out for me would have been my middle finger.
    Then the cell phone to obnoxiously call the cops.
    Then the gun held low to my side.
    And in the other hand taking video of those thugs.

    I don’t suppose they will be part of the “investigation” into domestic terrorists and extremists Merrick the tool Garland will be running?

  20. FFS….he’s supposed to keep his gun holstered until…when? Somebody shoots him? The black woman has a pink pistol and man bun has a gun. Are we supposed to do quick draw now?

  21. beachmom

    I’m going to make this comment because the odds of someone here finding themselves in a situation like these people did grows every day.
    The comment I made above about the proper tactical method to survive something like this I learned in an advanced tactical pistol class. So I hope you don’t flip them off and pull your gun. In fact Antifa and BLM enforcers are Grey Men. A Grey Man is the guy who shot and killed the armed Trump supporter in Colorado. Don’t underestimate these groups. They have been trained. Fade into the back, pull it when you’re justified. And just owning a gun isn’t going to get the job done. Spend the money, get trained.

  22. Thanks for all of the input. I’m not so sure what is correct anymore.
    As Brad said, the issue is being pushed and I think we have to be smart and informed when armed, not having one’s life ruined by these pissants.

  23. There was a great interview yesterday on The American Journal with Harrison Smith. He had on a guest Mike Shelby that discussed low intensity conflict and how ANTIFA is engaged in it. They are trained and the people on the street are a very small part of the total operation. It really doesn’t end well, usually this type of warfare ends up with the party gaining political power much like Hezbolla. They also have support in law enforcement/DAs/Mayors and a corporate segment willing to bail them out. Whether you are in the right if you engage you may likely end up suffering greatly legally and personally when they dox you and come for you. Why everyone needs to focus on local politics so this BS won’t be tolerated.

  24. What’s the story with the bald-headed bearded guy in the orange pants in the video? And was the big black gal with the pink pistol and employee or a BLM organizer?

  25. BFH
    That brings up another good point. When are you justified? The criteria is you need to be in fear of bodily harm or your life. So far in the video we have a bunch a people screaming at each other in a tense exchange. Both sides are armed. From what I’ve been taught about these conflicts, as soon as one of those assholes puts his hand on his gun.

  26. @Brad, I have had formal training.
    Thankfully, I live in Maine where this stuff doesn’t happen. Almost everyone in this state owns firearms and out of staters don’t usually venture here to cause trouble.

    That guy had nowhere to go.
    I read the cops were across the street. They did nothing.
    We also saw people of all ages beat up in DC by these same groups and there were no guns involved.
    They don’t care. They will attack when they get in a frenzy.
    Like MJA said, these tactics are new and bolder than ever.

  27. Gee, I wonder why the powers that have, in many places, closed indoor dining and made people eat outside if they want to go to a restaurant. That way they can be vulnerable to the “peaceful protesters” without making them liable to a trespassing charge by going inside the restaurant. In other words, they want to make people sitting ducks. If the diners defend themselves and a “protester” gets hurt or killed, the “protester” is a martyr and we have more riots. If a diner is hurt or killed, the crickets will be deafening.

  28. Thoughts?

    Well…I did learn that if you jump on a person and bite them in the throat……it freaks everyone out in a 2 block radius.

    So yeah….. do a bunch a speed and go all Wolfman on a protester. You only need to do it once.

  29. @Sorry about your luck-You would not carry 158gr HPs in a snubby if you ever looked at their terminal ballistics. They do not achieve enough velocity in 2 inches to expand. Hornady and a few others manufacture loads specifically designed for snub nose 38s that are very effective. Do yourself a favor and look into it.

  30. He’s carrying what appears to be a Freedom Arms five shot single action 22. It could be a LR or a Magnum. I have one in 22LR. I’d hate to be shot with one, but this round and this gun are not fight stoppers, especially against a crowd. My ex cop and federal agent friend of mine and I are heading to Louisville to do the KY Bourbon Trail (again) next week. I’ll have my Sig P365 in my pocket loaded with 11 rounds of +P ammo and a spare mag in my other pocket. He carries a Ruger LC9S Pro. He is a superb marksman and takes no shit.

  31. The Louisville PD union president is on record saying that Mayor Fischer has instructed them to stand down. Nearly 190 cops left the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) in 2020 and 43 have stepped away so far in 2021. In Florida, if the local police aren’t allowed to protect life and property, the state steps in, and the official who gave the order to stand down can be personally sued for damages. Both Fischer and Gov Beshear are far left dems who appear to be BLM sympathizers.

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