Thousands of Antifa Doxxed – IOTW Report

Thousands of Antifa Doxxed

As someone who posts anonymously I respect other people’s anonymity as long as they are not running afoul of the law.

Antifa are lawless thugs, so I’m not particularly upset if a list of their members is published. It’s not how I would do things, but what’s done is done.


Recently iOTWreport was one of 4 sites named in an advertising industry “study” as an example of a site that is “extremely partisan” and peddles in “unsubstantiated stories.”

This is a blatant attempt by an “extremely partisan” study group to damage us and get us shut down. We’re not breaking windows, starting fires, punching people or intimidating our political adversaries in order to silence them.

We go toe to toe with them in the arena of ideas, and have been doing that for 9 years.

I don’t wake up in the morning thinking of underhanded, scummy ways of damaging the opposition. We just shine the light on them and explain why their ideas are wrong.



ht/ all too much

56 Comments on Thousands of Antifa Doxxed

  1. The “Antifa” crowd are a bunch of confused imbeciles.
    They don’t understand that using “fascism” to shut down your opponents, whom you call “fascists,” is fascist.

    Sorry, that isn’t quite accurate – they’re not a bunch of confused imbeciles – they’re just standard run-of-the-mill imbeciles – seeing how imbeciles are already confused or are too imbecilic to understand whatever it is that they’ve been told to be angry about (and paid to protest).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Recently iOTWreport was one of 4 sites named in an advertising industry “study” as an example of a site that is “extremely partisan” and peddles in “unsubstantiated stories.”

    God they make us sound like CNN or something. I’m insulted.

  3. Wow. You won’t even name the advertising goons. Thanks for this site. It’s the only place I would ever comment on after others all went to registration. Without this site we would have no voice.

  4. I thought this was/is primarily a satire site. For information, too, I guess. Whatever it is, you do a wonderful job.
    I’m beginning to read “IBM and the Holocaust” by Edwin Black.
    “Edwin Black has now uncovered one of the last great mysteries of Germany’s war against the Jews — how did Hitler get the names?”
    Totally scary. Add to that the present activities of the NSA and things look bleak. Problem is, nobody takes that look.
    Oh, I didn’t see a list or anything at the link up above, but I did know of this archived file:
    And finally, I’m surprised, but also proud, that you’re being looked at. If there is anything in this post that might be uncomfortable or inappropriate, feel free to delete it.

  5. I would love to see a list of asshole advertisers who don’t like Conservatives, anyone on the right, center- right and so on. Because once I see their names, I can suddenly decide their shit isn’t worth buying.
    Eventually, they’ll accidentally expose their rotten asses, ending in an ‘oh shit!’ moment.

  6. Why does The Hill and Buzzfeed *spits* keep saying “Trump supporters…” .
    Do they really think 100% of 4chan and Reddit and the others are Trump supporters? LMAO. 4chan came out and said they don’t care for Trump, they just want to fight liars in broadcasting (CNN), blm and antifa and so on.

    I’m not saying some of them aren’t Trump fans, but holy crap, broad brush much? They are seriously trying to win points with Fuckerberg, aren’t they? Yes, we see you on the facebook ‘news’ sidebar, The Hill, along with the other left wing news. Fuck off.

    I wish our FBI/CIA had the balls to dox muslim terrorists like this.

  7. BadBrad

    After NFL commish latest statement the real disrespect of the NFL is about to begin. It’s one thing to have a few rogue players acting out. It’s entirely different when the commish essentially endorses their actions and lashes out at the prez.

    I looked away up until this point. Not anymore. NFL is dead to me.


  8. Bad_Brad — Don’t you love how ESPN and NFL are doubling down? LMAO.
    They wouldn’t accept their ratings loss for months, and when they did, there was a reason for it, but not the reason we know it is.

  9. Toby –

    I’d describe this site as a place for smart political people who enjoy flexing their goofball muscle now and again so as to not go insane.

    We run the gamut of delivering straight news, giving opinions about current events, satirizing the political enemy and creating original graphics. We wrap that in a community setting where the community really matters.
    Some have said it gives the site a small feel. I don’t care. I want the place I work to be fun sometimes.
    And that is where we leave the people who need to compartmentalize everything scratching their heads.
    Yes, we do contests, we do silly posts, we do absurdity, we do birthdays, we do births, we do deaths.
    I wouldn’t have it any other way.
    So, naturally, since we aren’t following a normal template we must be fake news.

  10. Dear BFH, MJA, et al.

    Please do not change one fscking thing about your vision of iOTWReport

    …as a place for smart political people who enjoy flexing their goofball muscle now and again so as to not go insane.

    We run the gamut of delivering straight news, giving opinions about current events, satirizing the political enemy and creating original graphics. We wrap that in a community setting where the community really matters.

    Thank you all!

  11. BFH: OK
    I thought it might be something like that going on here.
    I almost had it figured out for myself, and now you’ve saved me a few weeks of alternate nostril breathing, trying to figure it out.

  12. MJA/PHenry,

    Incredible isn’t it, half empty stadiums, viewer ship in the tank, and these idiots are going to keep pushing harder on that hot stove.
    America is not center left, or center right. Most of America is Right, especially the NFL’s target demographics.

  13. Al,
    The thing is, nothing that happens is “on purpose.”
    What doesn’t happen is “on purpose.”
    Does that make sense?
    So I don’t think we would ever change unless we made a calculated effort to do so, and I ain’t got that
    sort of will or energy.

  14. I love this place and I feel quite at home here. I share so many of the things here with my email friends, and they always get a laugh out of them. Nice group of people here. GO TRUMP!

  15. Fur, you said it’s not how you would have done it. How would you have done it? Or would you have done it?

    I’ve perused many of the lists when they first started this project. Those autistic 4chan-ers have to have something to do! They’re like pet raccoons; cute until they get bored.

  16. I think the left is going to rue the day they decided to commit to dirty tricks and violence to get their way all the time. The rest of the country has been extremely tolerant of leftist cunts for a very long time. Once the majority rises up and gives these pieces of shit the smackdowns they deserve. It’s going to be a whole new ball game in the US.

  17. I do not host a site, I just comment. Some of my comments have caused butthurt. And every time butthurt has been called I supply my personal information. Name, address, and a link to Google maps.

    Come see me if your panties are twisted.

    Stand on my lawn and shout at me and I’ll probably just pee on your leg. Show up on my lawn with a ball bat and I’ll show your friends (they never do anything alone) the color of your brains.

    Out of dozens of threats of harm or even death offered up on line, not one has shown up. Not one. Even provided a map.

    Living in fear of the idiots online is wasted effort.

  18. i was a fan first of the peoples cube, Then when I Own The World came out, it became the VERY FIRST site i hit in the morning, and the VERY LAST site i hit before i lay me down to sleep. Years, I’m talkin.
    Smart, Sassy, Funny, Cute…… Your page is like my political info girlfriend.
    Eff ’em and the horsie they rode in on.

  19. Before I show my ignorance, I’ll admit to it. I don’t know all the ins and outs of how ads get placed on websites, but it is clear that within the industry there is a strong anti-conservative bias. Almost to the point of being extremely partisan. What is needed is an ad placement agency, and advertisers that recognize that there is 150 million of us, and that we are engine that drives this economy. It is not the antifas, illegals, deadbeats, and EBT carrying baby mommas that make good things happen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a big time wake up call coming to the NFL, and there will be plenty of people taking notice.

  20. Looked up a few of them at random. Yep, AntiFa alright. One was an art history major from Cambridge. One of her posts was Trumps wife and daughter dressed in black as if at a funeral. Hell if 4chan wants to do this right then get the addresses of their employers and send them a note about what sort of person works there.

  21. Just reading the comments on this post, I am awed. This site has a great group of (I hate to say it…) diverse people. God bless you all.
    Even Bad Brad. LOL….. And, well, all of you.

  22. TO Bad Brad
    And THAT, in Austin! It surprises me, since that’s another “Left Sanctuary/Bastion,” where I would have expected the police to either look the other way (stand down, officially or otherwise) or take it easy on them (what I suspect the local courts will do).

  23. Loooove this site, daily for me, go back days iffin i missed it..many thanks for great insights from lots of astute, cerebral people. Make me think, twist my prism. The look, the feeeel! You guys kill me. Camaraderie, dissent, sass, whatever you want, need, crave… i have found it here.
    Like MAGA. Love MEGA. EVERYTHING. This is a part of that for me, top notch, classy. Well done. Thank you.
    That said, I’m in the King Cuomo utopia, center of mass, aghast and PTFO. Schumer. Safe Act. Sanctuary State. Arrrgh, gotta stop, could never type fast enough. Mebbe make like Wirecutter and pop smoke, but most of the fam is here. Green Mt. State looks nice, but its all the same. Give you this, gyp you that.
    Enough from me, pleeb, peon, serf, knave, pissant, scrape-you-off-my-boot NYS citizen. You cant bring me down. I’ll never live on my knees. Lan Asteslam, Molon Labe, go with God, dont take any wooden nickels…
    Aganin, thank you SO much. BFH is the MAN.

  24. I’ve been here for around 8 and a half years, and so very happy about that!

    We know that crap is not true, Sir Fur– I think they never did an ‘in depth’ survey at all.

    Sooo…I’ve determined the reason for any and all complaint: it’s the FUR HAT! you know so many lefties are against wearing fur….

    The recommendation? Big ARTIFICIAL FUR Hat!!!

    If that’s not good enough for them, just scream at them: “Well, you want me to call myself Big Artificial Fur HIJAB–or what, you stu…”, then you, still screaming, descend into a litany of foul names, but you scream it in melodic Italian with a lot of hand-flapping, a la Pelosi.

    That will do them in, and they’ll leave all of us alone–hopefully forever?!?

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