Thousands Of Trump Supporters Taking Over Local GOP Positions – IOTW Report

Thousands Of Trump Supporters Taking Over Local GOP Positions

Palmieri Report-

The MAGA movement is continuing to grow.

Thousands of Trump supporters are now taking over local GOP positions.

BREAKING: We found 1000s of Trump supporters taking over local GOP positions — an unprecedented grassroots groundswell devoted to Trump’s insistence that the 2020 election was stolen & Republicans need to stop that from happening again

— Isaac Arnsdorf (@iarnsdorf) September 2, 2021

From Pro Publica:

ProPublica contacted GOP leaders in 65 key counties, and 41 reported an unusual increase in signups since Bannon’s campaign began


63 Comments on Thousands Of Trump Supporters Taking Over Local GOP Positions

  1. Willy, you stupid fuck. The retards been in office 7 months. We have 3 plus years to go. Have you been watching the news at all? I think I’m fr from the only person here concerned about our country. What are you concerned with? Rather chicken shit to keep sniping lie you do. A true coward.

  2. @willysgoatgruff — @Brad doesn’t need me to defend him, but you need to know that I like his comments and am glad he spends the time and attention and takes the effort to make them.

    For the most part, I think the same of you. For the most part.

  3. @ Uncle Al….I agree Al. Do you agree with Bad_Brad’s three previous comments on this post?….He’s an ass. recognizes he’s an ass, brags about being an asshole….So yeah he’s an ass….

    Al….Brad DOES need you to defend him….Without your defense he’s nothing more then a threatening lollypop…

  4. Willys spent his life being an underachieving loser. And resents me for being who I am. It’s as simple as that. He’s threatened by alpha males and would only make these comments on line. Face to face he’d wet himself. I don’t enjoy this shit at all. Not why I come here, to get ambushed by goat boy. I never started this. But I am really tired of it. It’s a non stop assault. And he’s had just enough Ripple tonight to mouth off. I’ve had enough of this.

  5. @willysgoatgruff – Uncle Al is more diplomatic than you deserve. It’s obvious to every commenter and otherwise casual observer here that you have a hard-on for Brad. You instigate every conflict that you two have. Why? Do you have a inferiority complex of some sort? What drives your need to poke Brad in the eye?

  6. @willysgoatgruff —

    Do I agree with this three previous comments? That’s irrelevant, but mostly yes.

    Is he an ass? Yes. So am I. So are you. It’s an episodic thing: few people are immune.

    Is he a threatening lollipop? I don’t know what to make of that epithet. I like an occasional lollipop (lemon, please), and threats are sometimes called for, e.g. “If you point that pistol at me with your finger on the trigger I will kill you.”

  7. It’s important that we have an exchange of ideas. The morons always find a way to self identify. Those of us that are in the right line of thinking are always here. We need places like iOTW to have discuss different points of view. Even if we have to tolerate stupidity in the process.

  8. Brad, no need to apologize for anything. You are who you are – not perfect, but neither am I or are anyone else here for that matter.

    I’ve observed many exchanges between Willie and you over the months and wondered what started it. But regardless of what it was, what I have observed is Willie taking the initial pot shot.

    Willie am I wrong? Here’s your chance to explain yourself.

  9. Well, bigass marches on DC, didn’t work, and 501 (3) c’s didn’t work, so maybe it’s time for some local action. You might not be able to get rid of your Romney or your Ryan, but you can damn sure drop kick that masked freak who runs your school board, and all of her friends, and that RINO who runs your precinct.

    The left didn’t get where they are overnight, and we won’t get back any faster. We make fun of the left for astroturfing, but they sure did sow some weeds. Time to get down and start pulling, and it looks like that’s happening.

  10. OK, Ok I left for awhile, watching some college football….Where do I begin?…So Uncle Al thinks it’s OK for Brad to threaten me and my thoughts….Stirrn the pot….I don’t fuckin’ really know????….Joe6Pak…It’s obvious, he’s Brad’s only friend and gives him thumbs up foreeeever!….So, the bottom line is I expressed a concern that “Brad” spews his nonsense early and often and I object to that….15000.00 Chinese troops poised at our borders comes to mind….Where do I stop with Bad_Brad/Joe6Pak and the whole 5 years of them spewing the “Q anon” bullshit. THEY BACAME FARCICAL!….Go ahead Al, tell me your opinion of “Q”……..FUCK, I want to here truth here, valid opinions. I don’t want to here bombastic ideas that can’t be proven and that’s what Brad provides… plus, he took the jab and previously said he never would…..LOL…THAT right there is a credibility concern….

  11. Hey willy, you are a LOSER. Deal with that! Speaking for myself, I’ve done all I can do to be reasonable. I’ve offered to buy you dinner and drinks, and you still bad mouth me. I don’t seek you out to confront you, but you do that to me. You might have a problem, I know with Covid being what it is, but you might consider getting in line for a consultation. Let me know if you’re up to dinner, it might help.

  12. “So Uncle Al thinks it’s OK for Brad to threaten me and my thoughts…”

    Please name a thought. You’ve never had one. Have I threatened you? I have. And I;m not apologizing. You;re a psycho stalker we could make a 1980’s movie about. Really, what the fuck is your deal. I got to give you credit for keeping this shit up. Hold on, I’m going to check my kitchen for a boiled rabbit. God I’d like to meet you.

  13. I’m out. This place deserves better. I’ll stop contributing to this bull shit until attacked by Mr Insecure again. After all, it’s hard waking up every morning,looking in the mirror and having a stone cold loser staring back at you.

  14. The last comment went away, so I’ll be brief….Brad banned himself a few years ago for being an ass to MJA….He was gone for a few months, commentators became more prolific. If Brad shuts up then Joe6Pak shuts up and the commentators become different….Defend that one all you Brad butt monkeys….I never bad mouthed you Joe6Pak….I can’t exactly remember the last one you called me but it was something like a “rotten cunt something or other blah, blah, blah”….

  15. Willie, while I don’t really have a dog in this hunt, you set yourself up to be an easy target,

    Your response to my question of what drives your need to poke Brad in the eye: “….Stirrn the pot….I don’t fuckin’ really know????….”

    Very intelligent answer Willie. Got anything better than that?

  16. willy
    So your issue is with me alone? Guns our knives bitch. You should bow down to your superiors little bitch. Name it, time and place. You’ve pushed to far. No one will show up at your funeral.

  17. “I come here for humor and political wit. This place has some of the best available. If I’ve offended anybody other than Willy I apologize.”….<<<<from Brad……The apologies start at the front of the building and wrap through the alley….

  18. Willy, you are such a cunt. Brad made a decision for the jab based on a recommendation of his oncologist that in his age group, with the radiation and chemotherapy he went through, that his odds for longevity were increased by taking the jab. He has the right to his decision. If you want a dose of reality you should consider that in order for his doctors to administer his radiation therapy they had to bolt his head to the table via a form fitted mask so he wouldn’t move. I can’t imagine the torture that involves. Willy, you are a no good piece of crap!

  19. Whoa. I drop in hoping to find either some titillating comments and stay “abreast of the tituations” or some relevant, serious discussion and this ain’t it!

    This isn’t even entertaining (though sometimes it is if the comments are dry and sarcastic). Okay, more wine and back to the book.

  20. You’re out of excuses little bitch. No Norco, no Alcohol. It’s just you jousting at windmills. Now what loser. And this is exactly what your little problem is. You’ve been a loser and an underachiever your entire life. Smart women show you the gate because nobody needs your weak shit. So you’ve decided to get even with an alpha male 1000 miles away. But here’s the deal, even if you did, you;re still a stone cold loser. So have fun.

  21. @willysgoatgruff: ‘Go ahead Al, tell me your opinion of “Q”…’

    Oh, all right. I have no opinion of Q. A very long time ago I read some Q stuff and found nothing of interest or value. So if I *must* offer an opinion, it would have to be “meh”.

    As for Brad threatening you, if he’s a lollipop then his threats are empty and meaningless and merit no opprobrium.

  22. Hey Stirrin, my answer was about why you have any input or advice on this issue….I still don’t know why your involved with an opinion….Brad’s last comment makes for good Saturday banter….Is there really a Bad_Brad? Was there ever a Cardigan?….”Guns our (sp) knives bitch?”… ain’t that something!…LOL….Now, for the enjoyment of our remaining audience: Please explain why you banned yourself from the for several weeks after you insulted MJA…..

  23. @willysgoatgruff September 5, 2021 at 12:55 am

    WTF did you just say? Brad is right, you are totally shit faced and not making any sense. And as such, I’m done carrying this non-sensical thread any further. Go howl at the moon.

  24. Stirrin…..your just not following along because you don’t understand the history and you’ve already chosen a side….so, go ahead and ask Brad why he recused himself from IOTR for several weeks after he insulted MJA….It was kind of nice. People that were not commenting much anymore started to find their voice again….

  25. “I let MJA answer that. We converse every day. And I value her friend ship. And I might add, she has a grasp on all things political better than any TV anchor.”……

    There’s no doubt what you say about MJA and her political knowledge, but maybe you could borrow a set of balls from her and tell us why you insulted her and banned yourself for several weeks/months?…Stirrin wants to know…

  26. OK, I lied, so Willey, beyond your gout, and your bad left leg, even worse than your constant constipation, the thing that bothers you most in life, is me. LOL. You fucking weak sister. I’ll send you my address, but I’m good with a pistol and will shoot any intruder dead on sight.

  27. Oh shit, just like a train wreck I couldn’t help but take a look at the latest WGG comment – and respond.

    “…People that were not commenting much anymore started to find their voice again….”

    So you’re saying that Brad intimidated these people – of whom I assume you were included. That sounds like a personal problem to me. If a person who you’ve never met, who lives a thousand miles away, can intimidate you with words on a blog, then that explains your irrational anger toward Brad. He’s right, you are weak.

  28. No Stirrin, that’s not what I said or meant….Just like this whole post and comments started as…..I just asked Brad to shut up for awhile….at first for another while……You and Joe6pak try to afflict me with some sort of psychological bullshit you pretend to diagnose me with….I’m drunk, I’m weak, I’m intimidated, it’s a personal problem, blah, blah, blah….It’s really simple….After weeks of reading Brad’s braggardly bullshit (I try not to, but it’s like watching a slow motion car wreck, you can’t look away), I simply told him to shut up for a minute. And now it’s become this. I predicted it. “Let the Harangue begin”……first comment by me, your welcome: Willystradamus….

  29. Okay, let’s assume that your are sober, intelligent, rational and an alpha male. This is a blog with many commenters who have many opinions – some expressed less eloquently than others – and you need to keep your irritation with one to yourself. Unless you want to invite responses such as mine or Joe6. The choice is yours. From the git-go you have initiated the conflict, so quit your whining when you’re called out on it.

  30. Brad, have you had any complications? I’m worried for you. You should get a D-Dimer test run. I am so angry at dr.s recommending this poison to patients. NO ONE should be taking them.

  31. “So you’re saying that Brad intimidated these people”

    More like no room for any other input on the posts when it gets like this. It becomes it’s own show.

    What conversation can anyone have when an argument is going on all around you?

    Try it at a party and see how the party goes afterwards. Pretty much clears out the non-violent. Most people have better things to do.

  32. Willy, you are so fucked up! I didn’t say you are drunk, I didn’t say you are weak, I didn’t say you are intimidated. I said you are a cunt and a piece of crap! I once offered to buy you a first class dinner with the expectation we would walk away on better terms but you clearly have no intention of that being an option. So see ya.

  33. @Dadof4 September 5, 2021 at 1:56 am

    “…More like no room for any other input on the posts when it gets like this. It becomes it’s own show.

    What conversation can anyone have when an argument is going on all around you?

    Try it at a party and see how the party goes afterwards. Pretty much clears out the non-violent. Most people have better things to do…”

    So what are you saying? That no debate or conflict should take place here? That we should all be rainbows, puppy dogs and lollipops?

    Make your comment. If it’s relevant and people want to respond, they will. A side argument shouldn’t deter you from commenting on the original post. And if it does, well I can assure you that there will be many topics to comment on.

  34. I sure hope any new readers don’t see this post. It’s too bad that I even try to promote this site with shit like this. You guys have driven even some of our regulars to stop commenting for fear of being jumped on. No wonder we have seen a rise in people commenting as Anonymous.

    Stop this. I don’t care what you say to me, but you are driving people away from this site. Fur needs our support, not driving people away.

  35. For many, it’s not “fear of being jumped on,” Claudia. Mainly disgust at people with anger problems attacking each other for no good reason. Better things to do, especially on the Internet.


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