Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death? – IOTW Report

Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?


Larry Schweikart has been tracking the early vote totals. He’s been signaling a Trump win for a bit now. He noted how Democrats are going to get bloodied in Florida. He also called out pollsters for how they were sampling GOP voters in their surveys. 

If Trump wins Florida, Biden’s chances of winning the election dip below 50 percent, the core three (FL, AZ, and NC) probably go Trump, with Michigan and Ohio probably following suit. That’s the election right there. I mean, if we win Michigan, we’ll probably carry Pennsylvania as well. It’s the icing on the cake. Yet, Schweikart’s recent thread on Twitter didn’t have to do with the early vote totals. It delved into the real 2020 Democratic playbook, and how they knew two years ago that they probably didn’t have a chance in hell of beating Trump due to the booming economy and frankly a real depth chart issue. You saw that in the 2020 Democratic primaries. None of these guys could beat Trump. None.

Joe was the last man standing because he supposedly is the best option due to his blue-collar roots, which have been marred in scandal over the alleged corrupt deal-making that he and Hunter Biden did in China and Ukraine. If Trump pulls this off, and I think he will, Hunter Biden was not only the October Surprise but gave the greatest in-kind contribution to the Trump re-election campaign by far. Seriously though, the Democratic base isn’t excited for this guy. They wore multiple “t-shirts of the week” regarding the more lefty candidates out there. Bernie Sanders was the flavor of the month before Black Democrats in the South clipped his chances again. It’s settled. Bernie can’t win over Black Democrats. He’s done as a national option. Kamala Harris got slapped down by none other than Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) over her record as a prosecutor. I mean, a lot of folks ran, but how many could last? People knew Joe, so I guess they decided to back him. That’s not a ringing endorsement.

So, what does Schweikart think was the Democrats’ plan before COVID? He feels that with the Democrats knowing they would be beaten, they wanted to claim fraud and set off another round of the Russian collusion delusion. They wanted a sequel, but the pandemic, he says, gave them hope of a win. With lockdowns in place, let’s do this all via vote-by-mail. You all remember this was the Left’s war cry throughout the summer until the mail-in ballots were being rejected at higher than projected rates because Democratic voters apparently cannot follow instructions. The Democrats have now quietly changed course. Yet, the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg killed all hopes of the voter fraud pitch ever working for Democrats. MORE

27 Comments on Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

  1. If that’s the case there are two deep state factions unintentionally working against each other. It will eventually come out that COVID was intentionally set loose on the world by the ChiComs and the deep state to destroy Donald Trumps economy so he could be beaten at the polls. The timing is TO perfect. Just my thoughts. But that would be ironical.

  2. @Brad “COVID was intentionally set loose on the world by the ChiComs and the deep state to destroy Donald Trumps economy” SO TRUE!

    Lock them up!!! or hang them -even better!!!

  3. Trump was always going to win.
    When you are running for reelection, if the economy did well during your 3.75 years in charge and there weren’t any other major issues, you are going to be reelected. Polls don’t matter, perhaps if the other party had a really amazing candidate they’d have an outside shot but nobody in the Dem party comes remotely close. The Hunter story certainly didn’t hurt but it isn’t changing the outcome. COVID may have been a shot, but it didn’t help Dems.
    The one potential way Trump could lose is massive fraud, which is a concern until it’s all over – which I fully expect to be tomorrow night, as it was 4 years ago. People howled and moaned that Killary had the popular vote, but everyone knew on election night that Trump would be taking the oath in January.

  4. At this point, President Trump has exposed SO MUCH corruption within our political system that I doubt there is any possible peaceful way to clean it up.
    “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
    “Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.”
    “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
    All quotes from Thomas Jefferson

  5. Not all of the chicks have hatched yet. Type slow and continue preparing carefully.

    The next four year are going to be anything but a cake walk even with Mr. Trump, especially if we don’t win the House.

  6. I agree with LCD and others that President Donald J Trump was the 2020 foregone conclusion, but it was necessary for the Trump team to make sure we get out and VOTE! Hopefully we gain in the Senate and retake CONgress…..

  7. The Democrats are still going to lie, cheat, and steal, every vote, seat they can. I expect a lot of contested seats all across America. The SWAMP has been at work for along time and they’re not going to let a little something like an election, get in their way.
    Covid is a man made virus and was foretold by the great Fauci back in 2017. That there would be a pandemic during this administration. The Dems would happily kill off another 2-300,000 to promote socialism and tell us how lucky we are, they came to the rescue.
    Up next, Main Stream Media and Big Tech, need to be held accountable.

  8. I’m with Answerman Cooper. Call a Grand Jury and get the show on the road. Hand down the verdicts (no pleas), give ’em all an orange jumpsuit and jailhouse jewelry. Take their damn phones and laptops away from them and let them all clean toilets for a few years before they earn them back. Make it so freakin’ unpleasant (no Club Fed) the rest of them will think long and hard about trying this again for a while. Send them to that place where the DoJ sent Dinesh D’Souza. Put them in with hardened criminals.

  9. They need to be beat into the ground. To the point that any excuse they make will be laughed off entirely.
    I predict they blame Joe and camel toe.
    The end is near for these assholes. Any burning and looting needs to be pushed back with rooftop fire power. It’s the only way to get their attention.

  10. Per above: Power mongers will burn down the village in order to rule over it. It’s the same thing with men or women who will kill their spouse before anyone else gets them.

  11. My prayer tonight is that God will abide in me as well as all the good people of America voting for President Trump. I don’t see how joey can possibly win the Presidency short of massive cheating. Tomorrow will tell, I still believe that joey will get shellacked worse than McGovern did in 72.

  12. I could be wrong, but from what I’ve seen and heard traveling as well as online I think they’re losing way more than White House. I think the way they’re acting is more proof of that. I think they know it’s going to be too much to overcome with cheating. I think they’re more pissed off about what they know is happening to their party.

    These new pups didn’t want to hide anymore, they wanted the country to know they planned on turning this country communist and the old cheaters and liars couldn’t stop it, so they thought they could scare the country to vote for them if they didn’t want Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, etc. coming to them. They now realize it didn’t work and they’re doing their last death rattle.

    That’s what all of this bullshit about lawyers, not going to allow Trump to declare victory, etc. is, their death rattle.

    These folks are an evil bunch, but they know they’ve lost and lost big.

    If I’m wrong I will admit it. My prayer though is that I’m right and what I’m hearing from long time democrats is true, they’re going to take a beating like no party has ever taken before.


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