Three Dentists Have the Loser Worthless SJW Twitter Police Coming After Them – IOTW Report

Three Dentists Have the Loser Worthless SJW Twitter Police Coming After Them

There are 3 dentists, women, who have a successful practice and advertise in magazines.

They like to dress up as characters in their promotions.

Here they are as refs-

Here they are as construction workers-

I imagine they make up corny copy to go along with the imagery.

Here is where these nice looking, smart, successful ladies have become the scourge of civilization in America-

Huff Po-

“You have to be PRETTY clueless to post such an [ad]. For real. The fact that someone had to TELL YOU it was racist is really sad,” someone wrote on the center’s Facebook page.

No, what is sad is that someone told you that you should be on the lookout, and raise your sensitivity, for things to be outraged by, and you’ve done so, in spades.

Their message is corny and well-intentioned, but we are not all the same. We are not all smiling in the same language. Too many amongst us have twisted resting bitch faces that can only be changed into a smile if they are crushing successful people because it’s the only thing that brings a modicum of relief to their sad, bitter, loser lives.

Notice how the people outraged have a similar “remedy.”

Another commenter suggested the clinic provide free dental care to local Native American tribes.

I think many of us would appreciate it if you took concrete steps to learn about implicit bias, and perhaps to pay for damage done to your community, perhaps via a charitable donation.

It’s the money and success they resent, because their chosen major in college doesn’t pay well.



25 Comments on Three Dentists Have the Loser Worthless SJW Twitter Police Coming After Them

  1. I just went to their Facebook page and they are already bowing down to the leftist mob, apologizing and taking down the “racist” ad. Even gonna do sensitivity training classes!

    (Double facepalm)

  2. Jerry, that is too bad. We can only defeat the social marxists when everyone tells them to “stick it” where the sun don’t shine and laugh at their efforts to impose their tyranny.

  3. It’s because they are attractive. That’s the bottom line. SJW, when it comes down to it, are actually anti-attractiveness. For example, terms like white privilege are never really aimed at butt-ugly white people, but almost always directed at attractive people. These A-holes have always attacked attractiveness, from Hooters waitresses to swimsuit models, their goal is to shut down attractiveness. Of course they claim it’s in the name of ending the exploitation of women. Bullshit.

  4. Gee Wally, I see three pretty girls in diverse outfits.

    Yeah Beave, it all comes down to what you want to see and if you self-identify as an Social Just-us Warrior yer definitely looking at the world thru yer anus!

  5. There is nothing remotely racist about that ad. I get it. A smile is a smile. Leftists can kiss my behind. And I am sorry these ladies didn’t just say that instead of kowtowing to the lowest common denominator.

  6. Ladies, take a page from the Trump playbook and throw it back at them. Announce free cavity filling and root canals to those who were offended. Without Novocain.

  7. @Jerry Manderin May 12, 2018 at 4:04 pm

    Just as bad is the attacks by SJW’s are the organizations that give in to their idiotic demands. Very few companies have any backbone anymore. Why can’t some of them stand up to these bullies once in a while?

    The more the SJWs win these small skirmishes, the more emboldened they become, like the one asking for a donation to its cause. The strategy is: make ’em feel guilty, then grab their wallets. These companies all have a lot more resources than we do as individuals, so why can’t they push back against these leftist bastards instead of always giving in?

    Three educated women with a profitable practice should be able to stand down the leftists a-holes, but they didn’t even try.

  8. Good, clean fun and each ad makes their point in an entertaining way. Leave it to the left to misconstrue and see racism where there is none. The left hates being ignored. So they should be ignored. Or made fun of.

  9. Another commenter suggested the clinic provide free dental care to local Native American tribes.

    That’s what they have Indian clinics and hospitals for. Taxpayers already have that covered.

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