Three funnies that couldn’t be more spot on accurate – IOTW Report

Three funnies that couldn’t be more spot on accurate

ht/ shang

51 Comments on Three funnies that couldn’t be more spot on accurate

  1. Liked this one from today too:

    “It took a worldwide pandemic. It took a 35% plunge in the stock market. It took 6 foot social distancing. It took quarantining. It took many small businesses closing. It took cancelling just about everything, to bring the US economy back to the Obama high mark.”

  2. I agree with Ghost, dementia is not funny. My mom had Sundowners and was totally batshit crazy especially after 9 or 10 PM at night. I took care of her and and my dad from July 2017 until early 2018 when my dad passed away and my mom we finally had to put into a facility that could handle her because my brother and I couldn’t do it any longer before she also passed away 3 years ago as well. She did have her moments though when the craziness was actually funny in a weird sort of way but I don’t want to or wish dementia on anyone just because. I had a lot of sleepless and semi sleepless nights with her because we never knew what she would do. The craziest night was when the water pipes in the basement started making loud noises about 1 or 2 in the morning and she woke up and tried to run away before I caught her trying to sneak out of he house, seeing things and hearing things that weren’t there including an old family friend who she swore was beating up on my dad. My poor dad had to physically hold her down to keep her calm and I ended up waking up my brother and had him come over to help us calm her down. It was quite the night, she wanted to call the cops on us because we were holding her against her will. The funniest though was when she found out that my brother wanted to put her in a rubber room and she knew what a rubber room was but couldn’t quite figure out who said it. My brother became that guy who said it even though she didn’t know it was him that said it. That and the night she woke up and was looking for mythical oranges in her bedroom in the middle of the night and swearing she saw her younger brother in the room with her even though he lived in Southern Idaho. It was never a dull moment taking care of her but something I don’t ever want to go thru ever again. Clogging the toilet by using a whole roll of toilet paper to wipe herself was no fun as well and I think I used every towel in the house to clean up all the water that overflowed from the toilet. That and hiding the cat food until I figured out why the cats bowl was always full and where she hid it in the back room in the closet in a popcorn tin.

  3. It’s hilarious to watch. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fellow. Hope they keep him alive, far as long as possible. It’ll just be him and the rats running around in his brain. Writhing. Gnawing. Forever and ever.

    Scratch scratch Joey.

    Scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch.

  4. Who forgets to shower?

    A dementia patient does.

    Sound nice? OR funny??

    Most of us, if you are BLESSED to live that long?

    Will go bat shit crazy and won’t reconize your children…

    …And your parent might even think you are…POISONING their food…

    Not funnnnnyyyy!

  5. No, dementia is not a laughing matter in itself, but even in the darkest situations in life there is levity or we would all go insane from the pain and despair.

    My mother also suffered and passed from Alzheimers/dementia.
    My sister and I went through similar situations as geoff and Ghost.

    Being responsible for medications, doctors appts., up all night preventing escapes attempts, dealing with fits of anger and stubborn streaks, searching for hidden things, bathing and feeding my mother when she remembered how to eat.

    Eventually hiring health care aids – keeping them in check (the worst liked to steal and did nothing), then getting her into a decent facility and watching her finally comatose and living with a feeding tube and constant infections.
    Her suffering came to an end – truthfully it was a relief as much as I loved her.

    In the mean time my dad succumbed to lung cancer a year before she passed. He was completely unable to care for my mom during her dementia years.

    She would have her funny moments. Early on if she saw a cute male nursing aid go past her room, it was wink wink, nudge nudge. She lost her inhibitions in a demented state and lots of weird, funny conversations would result.
    Even with a feeding tube she would “laugh” when my sister told her jokes or “smile” when seeing dad. Often winking in moments of clarity which wasn’t often.

    My mother lived and fought for life until she couldn’t, but that doesn’t mean every moment of her life in dementia be pitied. She didn’t want that.

    As for Joe Biden, even without dementia he has been a destructive force. His family may love him, but not enough to spare the country of utter destruction as a result of his demented state and incompetence.
    As far as I’m concerned making fun of all aspects of Biden’s evil existence means all bets are off.

  6. Typical New Yorker.

    Probably talks with his hands like every other urban monkey.

    Do go on, New Yorker, tell me more about how to live life. You seem like an absolute master of your faculties and emotions.

    Joe Biden with dementia is hilarious.

    :takes bite out of apple:

  7. What the fuck does being from New York is about this??


    Your use of words like ‘typical’ and ‘probably’ mean. NOTHING TO ME…

    Burr was born in Jersey!!! NOT NY so what are ya jealous or something???

  8. So dark, maybe you’ll get dementia…pray you don’t but I am not going to pray for your sicko types…

    Going ahead make a joke about a cancer death…ga ahead…hahah!!!!

  9. Aaron Burr was put ON TRIAL FOR TREASON in this country…

    Yeah what a fucking ‘moniker’ to have…

    Lot’s to be proud of their…

    So you shot Hamilton….

    Ya happy for that???

    Spoken as a REAL New Yorker…


  10. “Typical New Yorker.”

    You see, this is how the ELISTIST left thinks of Trump…

    Same attitude…always wrong.

    You can shoot me but you cannot bully me…


  11. Burr,

    GO say your prayers ‘as a Catholic…’ as you have said you are…

    Because you are one fucked up small boy to say such things about people that cannot defend themselves..

    Yeah, so I will.

  12. My mother died with dementia and it was horrifying. His manipulators should be damned to hell for placing him, and us, in this position. And that includes his family.

  13. Seems like everybody missed the point.
    Nobody wished dementia on ole Slow Joe – just said that he was always that dumb.

    WTF is wrong with you people?
    Take a deep breath – get a grip.

    You don’t have to have dementia to be a drooling retarded nihilistic totalitarian.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. In addition to my moms dying via dementia, she was 94.

    I also had a RETARD for an older brother…he died when he was 55…his name was James…I called him Jimbo.

    I’m ten years younger than him as well…and that sucked too…believe me…

    It appears the buzz words are a flying…not here to shame anyone, say what ya fucking want but…I’m not a word COP…but words carry meanings…that why we called it a WORD.

    …where are your experiences and sympathies in life to say such things…?

    When you see a mentally disabled person at the store with the parent, or maybe packing your groceries??

    Did ya say? “Oh, look at the retard we have here!”

    So…Joe Biden is a demented retard.

    But he’s a US President…


  15. “So…Joe Biden is a demented retard.

    But he’s a US President…”

    Proof that when an election is allowed to be stolen any-fukkin-body they want to place in that position is PLACED IN THAT POSITION!

    Not the idea behind “self-government.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Has anyone looked into the eyes of a dementia patient??

    Like closely…in a hospital bed??

    I know I know…some things are easy to ignore…like loosing your mind…

    Asking for a ‘friend’?


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