Three more pillars of the failed Obama legacy were obliterated last week – IOTW Report

Three more pillars of the failed Obama legacy were obliterated last week

The dreaded Obamacare “Cadillac tax” on high cost health plans. The onerous Obamacare “Health Insurance tax”
and the ridiculous Obamacare “Medical Device tax” were all permanently repealed.

C. Steven Tucker

17 Comments on Three more pillars of the failed Obama legacy were obliterated last week

  1. I used to work for a financial planner. We sold med insurance policies to our entrepreneur clients. They were known as catastrophic care plans. They were low cost / low coverage plans since most of these guys were young and healthy and needed the cash for their businesses.

    Obamacare plans were like those plans: high deductible & coinsurance and lousy for routine care and health maintenance. The difference is that Obamacare plans were insanely expensive and soaked the middle class. I’ll be glad when I see Trump make this a priority after the next election.

  2. Do you remember how Nancy Pelosi worked with Harry Reid to get Obamcare passed? She passed him an empty bill that he got passed with bribery and arm twisting in the dead of night, then iit went back to the house to be filled in. Just like the impeachment, NP broke all the rules to get it passed. Then in 2010 she was FIRED by the American People (including huge efforts by Sarah Palin). The impeachment is going to be the same. NP got it passed but in 2020 the reckoning will come. Good bye Nancy Pelosi.

  3. I have paid much more for healthcare insurance in the past six years than I have ever paid for actual healthcare in my 50+ years of existence. And I have friends saying to me that this is fair. How?

    And now if I have to actual see a doctor, I have a $8000 deductible. Kind of a put-off to seeing a doctor, no? Maybe I can just skate by until next year?

  4. The other thing is I have insurance, but I don’t use it. I am going around Obamacare and just making deals with my 3 children’s pediatrician and paying him an agreed amount of cash. We’re off the government books, which is what people will do when forced to adhere to an unreasonable deal.
    So how is that working out, government? You think you are smarter than us?!

  5. clap. clap.

    I remember when the RINO Party claimed they’d have full-repeal legislation on President Trump’s desk THE DAY OF HIS INAUGURATION !!

    I’ve got a good long term memory. It’s full of Congressional treachery and self-enrichments. May alot more of them die painful deaths in 2020.

  6. Harry A, the thing is ObamaCare isn’t legitimate government, it is what I call institutionalized anarchy. Statism, – socialism – is institutionalized anarchy.

    In the face of institutionalized anarchy legitimate government goes underground. What you’re doing with your children’s pediatrician is legitimate government – the government underground.

    Welcome to the government underground.


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