Three Random Fires Happen at Three Separate Oil Refineries in Mexico on Same Day – IOTW Report

Three Random Fires Happen at Three Separate Oil Refineries in Mexico on Same Day

CTH: Oh boy, FOR ME there isn’t enough tinfoil folks.   Then again, FOR US, we have previously been outlining the “watch Mexico in 2023” oil production and energy issue for several months now.

Three oil refinery fires at three different facilities on the same day… isn’t good.  Because it just seems to be too coincidental to be coincidental.

12 Comments on Three Random Fires Happen at Three Separate Oil Refineries in Mexico on Same Day

  1. Joe and the American taxpayers will borrow money from China to bail out the Mexican Oil industry to assist in their convergence to green sustainable energy as a neighborly goodwill gesture. 😉

  2. If we wanted to get Mexico’s attention, sealing the border would probably be more effective than blowing shit up. Unfortunately our current government is not into doing constructive, proactive things or negotiating to further our interests. And so, the factories will continue to explode, the food processing plants will continue to burn and the pipelines will continue to be sabotaged until the elites get to do everything their way, because there is nothing left of the old way.

  3. Read the article and the pointless speculation ends.

    This is exactly what a criminal organization does when a restaurant won’t pay protection money, they throw a brick through the front window.

    Obrador flat out told Biden TO HIS FACE that he would not curtail his fossil fuel production and get on the Build Back Better green energy train. So ala Nordstream…

    Nice little oil company ya got there AMLO, be a shame…

    Our government refuses to see the realignment taking place in today’s world, mostly due to their belief that the old ways of bombing the crap out of some country or sending in some SF or CIA guys to wreck havoc with the locals is the way to get things done.

    When we could economically isolate a country like Iran and overthrow their government under the threat a massive depression and starvation, they had to go along.

    Did you see Yellin threatening China? Are you fucking kidding? Or putting more sanctions on Russia? Not working this time bitch, Russia’s economy is already one of the best in the world and their money is backed by hard assets like energy & gold.

    Our increasingly worthless “money” is backed by the cudgel of getting kicked out of SWFT and access to petrodollars. Well Baby, them days are fast coming to an end. Right now 100s of billions of dollars in sales and other transactions are being settled outside of SWFT in rubles, rupees and the yuan.

    There are dozens of countries signed up to the Chinese version of SWFT and there ain’t shit we can do about it other than to stand Janet Yellin up and threaten the largest economy in the world and the largest country in the world with empty rhetoric. Good fucking luck.

    We’re the odd man out and our criminal cartel government is out of options other than a war. That’s where we are. The sucm behind Biden would rather rule over ashes than change direction. What we the people want & know is best does not matter one fucking bit.


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