Three To One In Favor of Hillary – IOTW Report

Three To One In Favor of Hillary


The slate of presidential debate moderators has been released with the traditional networks each getting an evening (CBS, NBC, ABC) and Fox News the last evening.




25 Comments on Three To One In Favor of Hillary

  1. Trump has put himself on the firing line with each of these “moderators” and their surrogates thousands of times over the past year. I think he’ll be prepared.

    Hillary has hidden herself away and only appeared in interviews where questions were agreed upon ahead of time.

    Let the games begin.

  2. These debates will look like a bad Saturday Night Live skit. Softball questions to Hillary and then Mr.Trump, why are you a racist? After four of them it should be painfully obvious to anybody watching what the agenda is.

  3. If the nominee were Romney, I’d be furious. But with Trump, it really doesn’t bother me at all. The truth is, no matter who the networks choose as their moderators, they will shield the Democrat and attack the Republican. That’s unfortunately the hand we’ve been dealt. The difference this year is Donald Trump will not permit himself to be their favorite whipping boy like Romney did. He will hit back.

  4. I hope the mods are so freakin partisan that only an idiot can’t see it.
    Because the American people aren’t as stupid as they think and will be able to see it and they will rally to the big guy.

  5. And really, it’s 4 to zip in favor of Hillary. Chris Wallace isn’t particularly “fair and balanced” when it comes to his questioning of Trump. It was both he and Megyn Kelly who acted like pricks at that first debate last year.

  6. This is a man who promises to stop the flow of illegal aliens from Mexico and make Mexico pay for a wall, and then accepts an invitation to meet with the President of Mexico on his turf. He meets with and engages the press, and speaks before large crowds several times a week. I think he can handle the talking heads.

    Most of the general public probably expects the questioning to be one sided. But Trump has been continually underestimated by many people, and I think he will do just fine.

  7. will run from 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time without commercial breaks.

    Hopefully that’s enough time to see Hillary fall over. Her staff has probably already blacked out the 24 hours before each debate and scheduled automated emails telling her to take a nap.

  8. I expect a virtual rag dolling of Hitlery & Timmah by far superior intellect driving their opponents through the ropes several times.

    Bread and circuses for the people will be the MSM’s call. Leading to the elections the left’s policy failures must be weaponized.

  9. The first one isn’t a debate, but rather a cameo appearance opportunity where they won’t even be on stage together, let alone have chance for rebuttal.
    I predict there will be more than two debaters on stage, should such a thing as a real debate take place. That will detract focus from poopypants.

  10. Trump should:
    Buy equal air time, at the same time the debates are scheduled on another network (or two) and spend it telling the people what his plan is, without notice. Then have a representative walk to the podium, announce that Mr. Trump will be speaking for the next X hours on network Y and chooses not to give Hilary the boost in ratings by sharing the stage with her.

  11. Great caller into Rush today. He suggested that when Trump gets questions about previous divorces or bankruptcy he should reply “At this point what difference does it make?” Then turn to the camera and say “if that response is acceptable in a congressional hearing about four dead Americans it’s more than adequate to a question like that.”

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