Three Wisconsin Middle School Boys Hit with Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint for Calling Non-Binary Classmate by Wrong Pronouns – IOTW Report

Three Wisconsin Middle School Boys Hit with Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint for Calling Non-Binary Classmate by Wrong Pronouns


Three Wisconsin middle school boys were hit with a Title IX sexual harassment complaint for refusing to refer to a non-binary classmate by ‘they/them’ pronouns.

Three 8th graders at Kiel Middle School are under investigation for refusing to capitulate to a so-called ‘non-binary’ student’s demands.

Title IX covers rape, dating violence and quid pro quo sexual favors.

Attorneys at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty argue that Title IX doesn’t cover the misuse of pronouns and neither do any of the school district’s policies. more

19 Comments on Three Wisconsin Middle School Boys Hit with Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint for Calling Non-Binary Classmate by Wrong Pronouns

  1. They will try and force you into sharing in their delusions and mental illnesses if you will not voluntarily comply.

    The left has now taken the proper use of Title IX away from woman.

  2. Sorry, but anyone who would pull such a life destroying bureaucratic attack on middle school kids because they don’t want to bend the knee to fascist trannie bullshit needs to get knee capped after getting the living shit beat out of them. Enough of this shit.

  3. If you pretend to be a fire hydrant, does that require every dog who passes to piss on you?
    NO – most assuredly not – your delusion can neither bind nor dictate others’ actions or speech – PERIOD.
    Your delusion is your own.
    It is unjust to demand that others share your delusions and perversions.
    It is unjust that maggots in “authority” (who should know better) are prepared to oppress and punish those who don’t share the delusions of the few.

    They must be stripped of that “authority” and made to pay for their arrogance and insolence.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Damn. That’s worse than making kids put money in the ‘swear jar’.
    Seriously, if the little schizo decides she’s a boy one minute and a girl an hour later, she could rack up “hate” points everywhere she goes at school.

    Who is the mental case here? The nutjob or the person who supports and placates the nutjob, without question?

  5. According to the school board’s “reasoning” they could just a logically file a Title IX complaint against the kid demanding special pronouns.

    The student claiming harassment because others refuse to acknowledge his preferred choice of pronouns is refusing to acknowledge the other students’ preferred choice of pronouns.

    Goose, meet gander.

  6. It has always been natural to poke fun at people that cross-dressed or acted different than their known gender.

    …..Reminds me of Roger Miller’s song; ‘My Uncle Used To Love Me But She Died.’

  7. Get back to me. When the entire households of those that played along. With The Process(TM). Are bagged from the gutter. In front of all the households.

    Ereybody else: Just keep throwing them bullits and sammiches.

  8. fnucknuckle – Hey! stop sign, thank you, turn around, horse shoe, turtle turd, cumquat, honk honk, boodle-beep, derp-derp, dinga, dinga, dinga, dinga …

  9. I was in Costco yesterday and inadvertently referred to a “she” as a “he”. She had he back to me, was dressed like a man, had a man’s haircut, and was wearing a mask. She was not happy. I thought it was funny.

  10. How is a person supposed to know ? Need stick on name tags . I said, “thank you ma’am ” to the 20ish age looking girl at the front desk of the vets office , as I was taught to do , and she gave me a mean look . Whatevers…..

    When are they going to go after spanish and other romance languages for using feminine and masculine words ?

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