Throat Punch Necessary – IOTW Report

Throat Punch Necessary

The leftists are doing what they do best, changing the meaning of words.

Picking justices to fill open seats is now “court packing.”

16 Comments on Throat Punch Necessary

  1. I’m telling ya, Trump’s first announcement after winning the election should be that he’s going to implement joe biden and the lefties proposal and pack the court with a dozen new justices. Just to watch them implode and self-immolate themselves enmasse. I’d bring marshmallows to roast over a burning leftist.

  2. I watched some back and forth at these hearings this morning between Lindsey and Booker. They put on quite a display of love and admiration. All the while Booker is trying to convince everyone in the room Trump is evil and our common enemy. I wish just once someone on our side would grow the balls to pin these Nazis down and make them get specific about Trumps lies. About Trumps desire to leave everyone with out health care. About how he’s a racist and hates gays and wants to take their rights away. There seems to be a lot of projecting going on here.
    Mean while, in California, the Libtards Nazis are not even trying to hide the fact they are going to steal the election. Interesting times. No wonder ammo is in short supply.

  3. Could you imagine living in a state surrounded by people stupid enough to vote for this ignorant woman? I would have to move, no way I could live around that many ignorant people.

    Brad, Graham is almost a demoncrat. Someone asked me the other day if I lived in his state what I would do. I would vote for the prick because we can’t allow the commies to control the Senate, but the Republican voters are getting about as stupid as demoncrat voters and even when they get a conservative to vote for in the primaries will vote for the idiot who has been there.

  4. Old Racist White Woman

    Yes Lindsey’s a useful tool. Right now. Not to be trusted. In fact I’d go so far as to say if he ever got a chance to stab Trump in the back he wouldn’t hesitate. I think he’s still pissed off about Trump giving his cell phone number out during the 2016 debates. LOL. The loser.

  5. Notice how nobody in the media is calling the Dems out on their misuse of the term “court-packing”, and there are no headlines such as “Democrats Accuse Trump, Without Evidence, Of Court-Packing”.

    It would not surprise me to find that online dictionaries have altered their definition of Court-Packing to include: “an attempt by a President to seat a Supreme Court justice during a Presidential election cycle”


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