Throngs of Supporters Lining Up Hours Ahead of Trump Rally in Arizona – IOTW Report

Throngs of Supporters Lining Up Hours Ahead of Trump Rally in Arizona

PJM: There may be a Democrat debate on television Wednesday night, but it looks like the exciting event the public is gearing up for is another Trump rally, this one in Arizona. Crowds are lined up, hours before start time, to get a chance to see the president during the latest of his famous campaign stops, which are ramping up.
More, with video.

7 Comments on Throngs of Supporters Lining Up Hours Ahead of Trump Rally in Arizona

  1. From things I’ve read, a good number of the Trump rally attendees are Democrats and voters that simply didn’t vote in 2016.

    If true, this would indicate something notable may happen in the elections this year.

  2. Just arrived back to Venezuela North from a fabulous vacation in Arizona/New Mexico (Grand Canyon and Monument Valley were on my “bucket List”). Wonderful people, booming economies, no graffiti and NO garbage besides the roads. Phoenix was a great example of very good city planning, excellent freeways and good signage everywhere (my pet bugaboo)


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