Throwback Saturday – Classic Parody Video – IOTW Report

Throwback Saturday – Classic Parody Video

Author is NOT Unknown. It’s Aaron Wilburn.

Or is Manic Larry Baker the original writer?

14 Comments on Throwback Saturday – Classic Parody Video

  1. “…as he dialed up his buddy at the old pet store…”
    In a shopping center near where I work there are three establishments in a row…
    Pet Store
    Chinese Restaurant
    I would NEVER eat there…

  2. We had one here that they busted about 5 years ago for killing wild Turkeys and serving them for white meat. There was a big vacant field behind their store. And around here if there’s a vacant field, it’s over run with Turkeys.

  3. Not just the chinks.
    Restaurants in DC served cats disguised as rabbits back in the day.
    Probably more widespread than most imagine.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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