“The woman deserved it, she’s obviously a white bitch, on that we can all agree. I mean, look at her.” – The Left

Read how the NYPD has given up even taking a report with incidents such as these. This is simply life in the big city. It’s what to expect. (This is why crime statistics have gone down. The feral are not more docile, the police just don’t want to hear it.) –>



  1. It’s getting bad. The pot’s been simmering a long time now. Trump and Sessions need to do something to stop crime in general, illegal gun ownership in particular — and disparate impact all across the board. You do the crime, you do the time. …..Lady in Red

  2. The big guy said he is not on duty right now. Is he a cop? I don’t understand why he let him off the train, he should have been arrested after they determined he was no longer a threat.

  3. It’s too far gone for Trump and Sessions to do anything about it. We are still headed for a civil war and it ain’t gonna be pretty.
    But scum like that will have to be eliminated at ground level before we see any difference.

  4. Now I’m pissed. Hero my ass. If that were I, there would be little chunks of Mr. Thug Life all over that Subway Car. And I probably would have ended up in jail. What a world. I need to find a cave.

  5. And, of course, the MSM narrative is that this is about “man spreading”. If the races were reversed or the asshole had said “Jew” instead of “white”, the city hate crime unit would be all over this. Such fucking bullshit.

  6. I sometimes wonder if I got the “news”
    that I had 6 monthes to live that I would
    take drive to New Yook city with my FFN 5.7mm
    and just take out as many of these maggot demorat
    street vermin as I can…. Kinda like Bronson Death wish.

  7. I’ve mentioned this before here, but one of my PALS with a Tan is a delivery driver from a metal distributor we’ve been ordering from for ever. A South Carolina military family. Just an awesome guy and ultra conservative. The wife and I both love the guy. He dropped some material off last Wednesday and during a brief conversation mentioned Obama’s war on the race was effecting him personally. I was hammered, super busy, and that half of conversation has been bothering me ever since. Anxious to see him again.

  8. @TonyR: We recently visited New York City on a cruise ship. We did not get off the ship. We had a view of the Statute of Liberty from our balcony and that was good enough for us.

  9. I’m with joe6pak and Bad_Brad. Why the hell didn’t the guy arrest him or call for a cop? Any one of us would be taken into custody for this, which is ASSAULT. It’s good he got the loser away from the woman, but I wouldn’t call that heroism. Any decent man would do that.

  10. I called out a guy in high school for harassing a friend. He happened to also be black. He called me a white bitch and threatened to sexuality assault me in front of the entire class including the teacher. She reported it to the principal who also happened to be black. Nothing was done. This was 1987.

    This story is not surprising to me.

  11. Just to set the record straight. What happened to HooHooNayNay was assault. What happened on that train was assault and battery. In most states she has up to two years to file charges. Of course, she’ll need to identify him in the complaint. That’s where the weak link is here.

    If you make contact, it’s battery. Every menacing threat leading up to it that is meant to intimidate you and cause fear is assault.

    The “hero” needed to make a citizen’s arrest. IMO, you only pummel the hell out of them when there aren’t any witnesses or it takes that to stop an attack in progress, but even then, the law requires you to stop short of giving him a “lesson”. I prefer the no-witnesses-around route myself. Let him know what’s coming if he tries it again. Always worked for me.

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