Tide Pod Generation Children Calling the Shots on Public Policy – IOTW Report

Tide Pod Generation Children Calling the Shots on Public Policy

ht/ a non a moose

15 Comments on Tide Pod Generation Children Calling the Shots on Public Policy

  1. On CBS Hogg says “We hate living in America because…” yadayada.

    “We hate living in America “.
    Little punk says it so easily.

    The Left must be eradicated.
    Before they eradicate everything.

  2. The young ‘uns always end up running the reeducation camps, for some reason.

    Hey kidz…if it turns out that more kids die while texting themselves into a tree, or into another car, would you be good with giving up your cell phones until you’re 21?

  3. We should take some time to remember another member of the younger generation, ROTC student and hero Peter Wang whose funeral is apparently today. Far too young, he died in a customary American way, as a hero, sacrificing his life for others. God bless & RIP.

  4. Gee somewhere little Johnny and little Janie missed the common sense 101 class. Maybe schools should start making it a mandatory course, because parents seem to too busy to teach it at home. But then maybe parents aren’t aware of common sense basics.

  5. Recalling from the opinions of 16 year old me, I don’t take political or lifestyle advice from high school students. At 16 I did not have enough life experience to weigh in on important issues, and neither do these kids.

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