Tiger Got Tanked – IOTW Report

Tiger Got Tanked

Tiger Woods got pulled over earlier this morning in Jupiter, FLĀ and was arrested for a DUI. He was released later this morning, but not before his mug shot made the rounds.


29 Comments on Tiger Got Tanked

  1. At least he didn’t drive off a bridge, kill a hooker, whack a homeless dude for ‘dissin’ him, or kill a van full of old people and kids.

    But he could have. Good job coppers.

  2. i think these idiots are a great learning opportunity for kids. You have outstanding examples to show to your kids where pride, arrogance and such lead one if their priorities are screwed up.

    I used to always hear how sports is good for building character, I never bought into that line of reasoning. Seems there were more assholes who were sports stars all the way from little league all the way through the majors. It is the odd duck that is a real roll model.

    Goes for the entertainment industry in general.

  3. Dude never played the race card. In fact he swatted comments and questions about race away. I’ll always give him that.

    But I also hear that he was a notorious tightwad, even when he was raking in money hand over fist. Too cheap to grab a cab? This is going to cost him a lot more than cab fare.

    Get it together Tiger.

  4. I was a fan when he was kicking ass, he really did a lot for the game. But I think he is a bum now. The way I see it, he participated in, and benefited from, the creation of a false image. If he was John Daly’s running buddy and performed the way he did I would have liked the hell out of that. Instead, he pretended to be a great husband, dad, role model, you name it. In reality he is just another schmuck that was a great golfer. I hope he never wins again.

  5. He’s fortunate he didn’t kill someone. If he got caught this time, how many other times did he do the same thing? How many times did local law enforcement let him off? He’s lucky he got caught without any real damage being done.

    I truly hope he sobers up, or al least take Uber next time.

  6. Cop smells booze. “Arrogant” Woods says it’s prescription meds. Does Vicodin smell like gin? Why refuse a Breathalyzer test?

    Better retire, boy, before you kill yourself, one way or another.

  7. OJ’s getting out this year. How about a reality show with Tiger and The Juice?

    “Shanks & Skanks”
    “Two Cocky Jocks”
    “White Women for You and Me”

  8. Anything for attention. He’s a narcissist. If he can’t win on the golf course again, then infamy is just as good for this jerk. Odds aren’t good he doesn’t hit someone on the road in the future.

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