Tiger Woods Hands Fellow Golfer a Tampon After Out-Driving Him – Feminists Go Berserk – IOTW Report

Tiger Woods Hands Fellow Golfer a Tampon After Out-Driving Him – Feminists Go Berserk

Feminists don’t seem to realize men are stronger than women. But that’s okay, strength is not everything. Brains are extremely essential. So is wit and humor. Too bad this one feminist is an idiot, and dour, leaving her weaker and dumber and less fun than most men.

Crunt’s rant-

Tiger Woods, the 47-year-old father of a sports-playing teenage daughter, was photographed Thursday giving his playing partner Justin Thomas a tampon after Woods outdrove him in the first round of a PGA Tour event, replicating an old prank that immature school boys used to think was funny.

I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence in 2023.

Woods’ message to Thomas was obvious. It has been the go-to line of silly, often insecure boys for generations: 

You play like a girl. 

Really, Tiger? 

What a bizarre thing for a “girl dad” to do. His daughter Sam, now 15, grew up playing soccer and had just played in a tournament in Florida when she arrived to watch him win the Masters in 2019. 

I’m guessing most of the millions of fathers and mothers who support their athletic daughters probably have long since retired all their juvenile pranks that were intended to demean the ability of those girls they love and for whom they spend so much time cheering. 

But not our Tiger. 

No, he employed basic misogyny to insult his good friend Thomas, a knee-slapper of a dig against female athletes: You hit the ball like a girl!

I’m curious. Do all male golfers carry tampons onto the course, or is it just Woods? We know women golfers do, but maybe it’s a male golfer thing now, too. Who knew? Tiger, that trendsetter.

Here is Tiger bowing at the altar of feminism

Is misogyny as egregious as racism?

I seem to remember Tiger Woods pretty much canceling Fuzzy Zoeller over a really terrible joke.

This wasn’t a great moment for Fuzzy –

12 Comments on Tiger Woods Hands Fellow Golfer a Tampon After Out-Driving Him – Feminists Go Berserk


    (wife walks in room)…

    This is just awful of him. No class at all.

    (wife walks out of room)…


  2. For decades, men have been often portrayed especially on TV as bumbling boobs with wives being the stronger and smarter of the two in a marriage. Think Ralph Kramden and Herman Munster – always coming up with crazy schemes that don’t work. I laughed along with it and didn’t complain.

    Maybe Woods meant: You drive like a girl. Well women’s tees are forward of the men’s to make up for the fact they can’t drive a golf ball as far as a man.

    Females got good in sports by dropping the way girls used to run and throw and adapting the way men do it.

  3. This is funny when you can get away with it. But when you’re the most well-known golfer in the world at a PGA event, every camera is on you at all times and you can get away with nothing.

  4. Remember when ‘Stuttering John’ asked Roger Marris during an interview… “Who got hit on the chin with more balls, Yogi Berra or Rock Hudson?”. Turned out Roger had NO sense of humor.


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