TikTok Sued for “Blackout Challenge” Wrongful Death – IOTW Report

TikTok Sued for “Blackout Challenge” Wrongful Death


Two young girls allegedly died while attempting a viral social media challenge, and now their families are reportedly suing TikTok, claiming the social media giant is to blame due to its algorithms.

A pair of wrongful death lawsuits were filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court against TikTok, the Los Angeles Times reports, saying that both Lalani Erika Walton, 8, and Arriani Jaileen Arroyo, 9, were attempting to become social media famous, but instead wound up dead. More

18 Comments on TikTok Sued for “Blackout Challenge” Wrongful Death

  1. “Nylah Anderson, 10, unintentionally hanged herself while attempting the challenge she saw on TikTok, her family claims”

    …thus sillyness is after my time, but I would need more details to tell if a) she hanged HERSELF (“parents” CAN kill, and what a DANDY way to cover it), b) She UNINTENTIONALLY hanged herself (yes, in modern times, 10 yos can be suicidal), c) the parents didn’t KNOW this was going on, d) The parents did things reasonable laypersons would do once discovered (e.g. cut/untied the rope, contacted 911, followed instructions, etc.), stuff like that.

    And another thing.

    I don’t know how toxtoc works, if it livestreams or has to get uploaded, but if there’s a possibility people were watching the kid hang herself FOR ANY REASON OR MOTIVATION and did NOT attempt to contact authorites, I’d want a piece of THEIR ass, TOO.

    I know a young person who slit his wrists with a penknife his gf gave him after they broke up, who streamed it to her that he was doing it.

    She contacted the parents IMMEDIATELY, preventing what could have been a MUCH more tragic situation.

    Don’t know if that applies here or not.

    But if it does and people just watched a 10 yo die for entertainment, then they NEED to learn a harsh lesson in not being a waste of skin psychopathic excuse for a satanically callous human being, and they need to learn it NOW.

  2. Trump was right to try to ban TikTok. It is a Chinese tool used to destroy this country. It also is responsible for a lot of the ‘trans’ grooming that has convinced young children to destroy themselves while enriching Big Pharma.

  3. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    JULY 7, 2022 AT 2:30 PM
    “Sad, but cleaning the gene pool, one at a time.”

    …All kids are stupid and inexperienced and subject to peer pressure. No bad genes required.

    That’s why God gave them parents.

  4. “…saying that both Lalani Erika Walton, 8, and Arriani Jaileen Arroyo, 9, were attempting to become social media famous”.

    They did become social media famous, just not in the way they intended.

  5. A search of news articles turned up photos of the girls and, as I suspected, it seems the parents were not monitoring them or thought it was cute that they posted photos of themselves with make-up and pouty duck lips poses. Eight and nine years old trying to look 20 and undoubtedly catching pedophile eyes. They should sue themselves for not knowing what those children were doing.

  6. I recall watching a Dr. G episode. It involved a young boy around 8 years old who was found dead in his bedroom. Parents rushed him to the hospital but he was gone. Dr G performed the autopsy and it was discovered that he had participated in the choking game. Well stupid is going to hurt eventually. What a horrific loss to the families. I don’t think they’re going to win the lawsuit. Where were the parents?

  7. Actually what kind of (disinterested uncaring) parents allows their minor-age youngsters to frequent a Chinese Communist website such as TikTok in the first place?? Keep in mind that the ChiComs also hide within the fake “idea-sharing” PINTEREST which allows ChiCommie ads of perversion and child porn for the lurking pedos/child abductors on that site.


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