TIL Boebert is Tatted – IOTW Report

TIL Boebert is Tatted

Not fond of the tats.

37 Comments on TIL Boebert is Tatted

  1. Boebert looks great in the bikini. Not a big fan of any tats but I have seen some that are great works of art. She wears it well.
    And Lauren has more spine than my RINO rep. does in congress.

  2. When the wife and I were first married over 30 years ago we agreed to get tattoos. She went first and got a rose on her left breast. When I saw what she went through I chickened out. I never got one.

  3. Weird contrast between the conservative suit top and the patch of leopard skin print covering the privates. And whoever applied those tats got to see Boebert’s ol’ glory in full frontal.

  4. It’s a fashion. A dumb one, maybe, but a fashion. Men used to carry on having pseudo-intellectual discussions about whether women’s hair color was real, or how to tell whether women they didn’t know had real or fake boobs.

    There are more important issues.

    (Maybe I’d care if she got a lip or nose piercing. Something that to me is actually disgusting.)

  5. Saw one once that read: To Thy Known Self Be True.

    I was in a doctor’s office waiting room. Mentioned it to the doctor. She thought it was great. Mentioned it to the gal I was dating and that was a huge mistake. She spent the next hour telling how you have to be true to what you know about yourself. Said she couldn’t believe that I wasn’t aware of that, it’s in the Bible.

    When I told her that it is nowhere in the Bible, however there is a quote from Shakespeare, To thine own self be true and it means to endeavor to live up to your principals. That there is a fundamental difference between that and the former. The former means to just do what you have always done.

  6. …Tattoos are good for identification purposes postmortem, but can also be poignant at the same time.

    I was unable to resucitate a vaxxx murdered kid at work who had a tat on one arm of Luke 6:27-28, to wit:

    “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you”.

    He died at 19, so it was still quite legible.

    …my acquaintance with him was too brief and in much too strange a context for me to ask it of people I do not know, but Ive sometimes wondered what in his life inspired him to brand that particular verse, of all verses in the Bible into his then still-living flesh in a place it would be easily visible to him any time his arms were before him.

    …I wonder, too, if he would yet express this sentiment to those who randomly murdered him for politics and profit, if he could have known then what we know now.

    Due to his youth his flesh would have taken long to deliquesce, so it is likely the mortitcian could have preserved it for legible viewing, were that the desire of the family. I do not know.

    But for those contemplating skin art in life that you would not to be the last memory of you in death, permit me to use this to point out that there are two things that outlive you that can tell your mourners what sort of person you were.

    Your deeds,

    And your tattoos.

    Choose wisely.

    With both.

  7. …if the Democrats win this time theyll be giving out free tattoos whether you want one or not, first a serial number on your wrist so they can track you and decide when you need a “shower”; then later, when their master orders it, everyone gets triple 6’s on the forehead or right hand, without which you cannot buy or sell…

  8. During liberty from Infantry Training Regiment the majority of Young Marines received tattoos, some in a drunken state.
    The most were an EGA, I wasn’t that inebriated.

  9. Cato, I was never too drunk or stupid enough to get a tattoo when I was in the Navy. I had a friend while I was in the Navy who regretted his tattoos and had them surgically removed and that was long before tattoos could be removed by laser surgery.

  10. Fighting for the life of our country and the beetleguice sluts at it again. She doesn’t even know who’s dick she’s grabbing half the time. This cunts a fucking mess.

  11. My, we do like to eat our own. Seems to me her voting record is better than most. I’m not a big fan of tats, especially on women but that sure as hell wouldn’t keep me from voting for her.
    People in the fitness world will dress a little more provocatively then those that aren’t. I’ve seen skimpier swim wear at resorts. If you don’t have two head of cauliflower hanging off your ass why not.
    I don’t get the sudden hatred for this woman. She got more guts than most.

  12. I saw a heavily tatted woman yesterday.
    She had the kind that were just black ink designs, no color.
    I thought to myself…
    “Self, isn’t that cool.
    When she’s in line waiting, she can just haul out some colored ink pens and color ’em in…kill some time.
    Then she can just rinse and repeat. A walking coloring book, if you will.”


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