Tim Allen Speaks Out About the “Give Me Free Sh*t Party” – IOTW Report

Tim Allen Speaks Out About the “Give Me Free Sh*t Party”

He also calls the Clintons the equivalent of herpes.

Hollywood Reporter –

…lately one party is the free shit party. They are just telling people they’re going to get all sorts of free shit. When you say you’re going to get free education, free health care — f—, free brown loafers — of course everybody’s going to say yes to that. But you don’t mean it. That’s how you rack up debt, and debt is killing us. Whatever party is going to get us out of debt is my party.

If you go see my stand-up at the Mirage in Vegas — I’m on a concert tour this year, as I have been for 30 years — it tends to be very angry about self-reliance. I’m not going to say it’s conservative, but it certainly is not left. For most of my life, I’ve been taxed above 38 percent. When you’re a young guy working the road and literally close to half of what you make goes to people who don’t help you at all but just bitch about it the whole time, that’s where I come from. I come from “no taxation without representation,” and it manifests itself in very peculiar points of view.

…we asked the female writing staff if they’d vote for Hillary just because she’s a woman, and they all said yes. So then the question was, “So if Sarah Palin was the female?” They all choked and they had to say, “Oh God, yes, we’d vote for her.” I didn’t quite buy it. I don’t think you should vote for somebody just because they’re tall, thin, yellow, green, whatever. Bernie Sanders, as nice a guy as he is, none of that shit’s going to happen. And Trump can’t send everybody to Mexico or whatever the f— he said. But give that guy the roads, bridges, infrastructure, power grid — just have him fix that shit for four years. He’s good at that. And he’s a businessman so he understands how debt load works. Forget the stupid shit he says about immigrants. That’s just ignorant. But he might be able to do the stuff that really needs fixing.

So you’re not opposed to Trump?

I’m not opposed to anybody if their workload matches their bullsh!t load.

Why has the show gone after Hillary but not Trump?

It’s a little surprising to me. We have a very liberal writing staff, so I’m surprised they haven’t taken a shot at him. But we’re not sure he’s going to last, whereas the Clintons are like herpes: Just when you think they’re gone, they show up again.

Didn’t you try a bit about Obama raising the communist flag at the White House that never made it to air?

We got network notes saying you can’t call the president a communist. So, of course, I really wanted to. I do it in rehearsal all day long.

16 Comments on Tim Allen Speaks Out About the “Give Me Free Sh*t Party”

  1. Allen (as Tim Dick, his birth name) dealt cocaine while he was in college in Kalamazoo, MI. He was stopped in the Kalamazoo Airport with 650 grams of cocaine, and went to federal prison. He was Inmate No. 04276-040. While he was there, he informed on other inmates in return for a reduction in his sentence He spent 28 months in federal custody
    Junior college, I assume

  2. I wouldn’t exactly call him “one of us”. He has more than a few rough edges (not that I don’t have a few myself). But I think that over time he has somewhat redeemed himself and earned a modicum of my respect.

  3. I kept reading that Last Man Standing was good. I have never really caught the wave when a decent show was on (Firefly – missed it by five years!), so I binge-watched it over Thanksgiving.

    It was all that. I think it’s an anomaly – LA’s token conservative show. If you have the time, give it a try.

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