Tim Kaine Calls State Borders ‘Just a Dotted Line, a Boundary’ – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine Calls State Borders ‘Just a Dotted Line, a Boundary’

Breitbart: Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told a small crowd at Carnegie Mellon University that states borders are merely “a dotted line” and a “boundary,” while states which consider themselves to be part of the commonwealth are “aspirational.”


“America only gets in trouble when we’re not together,” Kaine said.

When we push people away from the table or divide against one another. He said “46 states just call themselves states. But four of us — Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky and Massachusetts — we’re kind of, a little bit more aspirational. We don’t call ourselves states; that’s just a dotted line, a boundary, a political subdivision. We call ourselves commonwealth.” He added, “the wealth we hold, we hold in common. We’re stronger together. And that’s why Hillary Clinton chose that as the theme for the campaign.

He proceeded to blast Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for naming a book he published five months after announcing his presidential bid, Crippled America.

“This is the book that Donald Trump wrote when he decided to run for president. The book is called Crippled America. Crippled America,” Kaine said. “First, that phrase is offensive to me… but even getting by that, this is a vision about this country that is negative, gloom and doom, blame America first.”

Kaine noted that he “hated to give [Trump] a royalty but I wanted to motivate myself so I bought a copy” of his book.

At that same moment, the camera zoomed out to show a faded, grey t-shirt with “The Cover Up Clintons” written on it with a black Sharpie pen being held up by someone in the audience. The t-shirt also had written on it “Research #FileGate #ChinaGate #TravelGate #PardonGate.”  MORE

17 Comments on Tim Kaine Calls State Borders ‘Just a Dotted Line, a Boundary’

  1. This from the party that made a platform of transforming America – from something they didn’t like?

    They really don’t hear the words coming out of their own mouths, do they?

  2. This idiot is the man who’ll be President when Clinton finally rendered unable to exercise the duties of the President (if you assume she wins). A man who thinks the states borders are merely a dotted line. I suspect that he’d find out soon enough which states agree with him and which ones don’t.

  3. Their campaign slogan, “Stronger Together” is fascist. The word fascist is derived from the Latin, fascis, meaning a bundle of rods. The idea being that while one rod is easily broken, a bundle is difficult to break. Stronger together.

  4. Does this dotted-line boundary mean that people living in states with high income taxes (NY, IL, CA), can assume that they are just like FL and TX ??

    Why have separate Senators or Representatives anyway – if these boundaries don’t mean a damn thing? This guy is a major-league fool.

  5. I am living in a banana republic. No self-respecting country could have anyone in high office named Tim. “Tim” is reserved for characters in books, “Tiny Tim”, crazy characters in songs, “Timothy, Timothy, where on earth did you goooooooo?”, and singers who tiptoe through the tulips. Yes, there was Timothy, Paul’s “true son” and Paul’s disciple in the church. But he was Timothy, not Tim. He never went by the name “Tim.”

  6. As if his “performance” wasn’t proof enough, he keeps stoking the fire, Abigail, you beat me to it! Tiny Tim shows his mental capacity and how he rates in relation to Mr. Trump.

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