Tim Kaine: ‘I am not gonna lose this race’ – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine: ‘I am not gonna lose this race’


AM: Is Tim Kaine going it alone?

During a campaign appearance in Dayton, Ohio today, Kaine was talking a lot like he was the principal candidate.

“I’ll tell you a little bit about me,” Kaine said, as his running mate is reportedly home recuperating from “pneumonia” for at least two more days.

“In campaigns, I have run 8 races and I have won 8 races. I’m undefeated.

“And can I just tell ya, I’m not gonna lose this one. I am not gonna lose this one,” Kaine declared, before quickly adding, “Hillary and I — we are not gonna lose this one.”

But then he continued to talk about himself as though he was the main candidate.

20 Comments on Tim Kaine: ‘I am not gonna lose this race’

  1. —“If I were to leave you with the impression that I’m a big landslide guy, I would have left you with the wrong impression—-
    Almost makes me feel bad he’ll lose in a landslide. ;(

  2. TO Anon

    The DNC has a procedure and from what I’ve heard they can pretty much pick anyone they like, although one suggestion is the “2nd place runner up.” As if THAT would mean anything to Dems….

  3. Howdy-Doody is gonna pay for that when the Hildabeast gets back on her feet. The fact is that even if she withdraws from the race she has the choice of her replacement and that person has their choice of VP running mate and you can bet it won’t be Kaine. The trouble with Hillary leaving the race (although I suspect she could have five types of cancer and would still stay in she’s that sociopathic) is that the replacements come in clean and it’s all of a sudden a short race without the Hate-Hillary factor and that’s not good for Trump.

  4. Kaine’s been doing such a bang up job that he’s been invited to a campaign strategy session tonight at ten at the park bench near the cannon in Ft. Marcy Park –(right next to the Vince Foster memorial).

  5. For all anyone knows with this closeted group known as Dhimmocrats, Cankles could already have passed. They are shuffling for time to let Soros pick his next hand puppet. For the whole world to let this nazi Soros continue living is totally fcuked up. Other national enforcement teams need to track down and eliminate George Soros. We have been to sissified for the task, thanks to the pansy in the white hut and the sick bitch.

  6. Gerard Van Der Luen sent me a link to “The Dead Witch Crisis” from Zman, yesterday. It lays out the whole, ugly map of what can and cannot be done in case Killery craps out.

    Not pretty for any American.

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