Tim Kaine Says The Roman Catholic Church Is Going To Cave On Gay Marriage – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine Says The Roman Catholic Church Is Going To Cave On Gay Marriage


Kaine said he ultimately became a supporter of marriage equality when he fought the 2005 Virginia ballot initiative to define marriage as between heterosexual couples. Kaine opposed the measure, though it passed in 2006.

Today, Kaine said his support of marriage equality is “full, complete unconditional support.” He predicted that Catholic doctrine, which is still at odds with gay marriage, will change.

“I think it’s going to change because my church also teaches me about a creator,” Kaine said. “Pope Francis famously said who am I to judge. And to that I want to add, who am I to challenge God for the beautiful diversity of the human family. I think we’re supposed to celebrate it not challenge it.”

He described first having a “consciousness raising” moment about the LGBT community when he was in college at the University of Missouri, and watched gay students marching on campus get mistreated by rowdy students who threw bottles at them.

“I was changed by it. It made me angry and it made me even more convinced that I wanted to stand up and fight for what was right,” Kaine said.

Kaine, a practicing Catholic, acknowledged his initial struggle to accept the idea of gay marriage.

Kaine used Trump’s recent praise of Russian president Vladimir Putin as evidence Trump would be a danger to the gay community.

“Our opponent praises Vladimir Putin, a guy who persecutes LGBTQ Russians for great leadership,” Kaine said. “Great leadership. Running your economy into the ground, persecuting journalists, persecuting LGBTQ Russians, invading other nations, violating international law. Leadership? If you do not understand the difference between leadership and dictatorship you wouldn’t pass a fifth grade civics exam you’re no leader and you shouldn’t be president of the United States.”


No word on Hillary’s embracement of Islam, that gay-friendly sect that doesn’t quit throw bottles and say nasty things.

And here’s Kaine using that expression that makes me want to…. throw bottles and say nasty things –


35 Comments on Tim Kaine Says The Roman Catholic Church Is Going To Cave On Gay Marriage

  1. Francis the Talking Ass will probably do it.
    He has already surrounded himself with homosexual marxists – giving tacit approval.

    Never underestimate the tenacity of evil.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim K-Anus wuz at a loss to think of anything more important…
    20 Trillion dollar debt
    Military strength and morale
    The War on the West (there is no war on iSlam)
    94 million people out of work
    Sky-high lawlessness, violence and murder
    and on it goes…

  3. You’ve made your Catholic argument for gay marriage, Tim. Now let me hear your version of why you support the Party and Candidate that advocates the unfettered killing of unborn children? How about why you’re in the Party that wouldn’t stand to have any mention of God in their platform 4 years ago? And how does your Party defend the Freedom of Religion?

  4. Kaine’s a retard but he’s probably right. Unless the current Pope gets retired and replaced with one somewhat more orthodox or at least understands the religion I could very well see a Vatican 3 in the not to distant future where this change of Holy Law would take place.

  5. Keep one thing in mind. If Shrillary gets in the WH, this cretin is the next in line. Does America want that, for real???? Even died-in-their-asses dhimmos surely should know better.

  6. Politicians and activists have been saying the church will cave on this issue for many years now. I’m old enough to remember when Phil Donahue and Ricky Lake would talk about how the church would have to change to meet today’s reality. People have been trying to get it to change its position on social issues since Christ established it. Good Catholics believe and listen to what their church teaches. They recognize that the world does not like or respect the church and tries to change what it teaches. This is not new to the church. This stuff goes back to the founding of the church

  7. I recommend that you read The Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism. That is the manual for all believers of the Catholic Church. The only reason Hillary selected Tim was to get the Catholic vote or so. The real reason is that many Catholics have been watered down that they have no faith in the Church. That and notice how many people criticize the Church and then demand that it change to suit their preferences? How about we start demanding that other religions changing for my preferences?

  8. @VietVet – alright, dammit – they keyboard and the coffee just had a close encounter over your pirate joke! And my sinuses are none the better for the event! Yarr, indeed!

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