Time Dares To Make Greta Thunberg Person of the Year – IOTW Report

Time Dares To Make Greta Thunberg Person of the Year

CBS News

Time magazine on Wednesday announced teen climate activist Greta Thunberg is its 2019 Person of the Year. The 16-year-old Thunberg first made headlines last year with her solitary strike against climate change outside Sweden’s parliament. More

Hopefully this will cheer up little miss scoldy pants, she’s been particularly insufferable this last week. Here

30 Comments on Time Dares To Make Greta Thunberg Person of the Year

  1. Well, it came down to Thunberg or Jessica Yaniv, the Canadian transgender fruitcake who first sued waxing salons because they refused to wax his balls and now is contemplating suing gynecologists because he can’t get an appointment to examine his non-existing vagina.

    Apparently it was neck and pencil-neck but Thunberg won out because Yaniv’s bloviating is contributing to global warming.

  2. The truly unfortunate part of this is that it will motivate others to manipulate their children. Living in the Puget Sound region it has been my misfortune to have been exposed to all too much of this type of abuse. Don’t get me wrong it can come from the far end (lunatic fringe) of both sides of the political spectrum, where children are programmed into being scripted puppets who get praise for playing a supporting roll in a real time morality play. They are no more than players on a continuous and everlasting improvisational act the purpose of which is to promote the parent’s political agenda.

    It is pretty sad to witness what it turns these kids into, insufferable brats who cannot make connections with others that form age appropriate relationships. Even within their parent’s clique there is no interaction between the children that isn’t stage managed and choreographed.

  3. Good thing there’s no award ceremony that she has to yacht across the ocean for. She must feel really bad about all the trees which died to show her soulless face on the cover of TIME.

  4. Remember folks, this is Time Magazine. Nobody buys it or Newsweek anymore. The print run is about 2 million (I’m not sure how many of those are actually paid copies) a week and is now privately owned by some tech left wing billionaire to use as his sandbox. They make their money at supermarket checkout lines selling Beatle Retrospectives or “The 60’s” or some other such nostalgic drek. The person of the year used to be someone or something that had a large impact on the world (good or bad) and this Thunberg brat certainly is not that. I see the fine hand of the new owner in this choice. Anyway she can join Obama who received the Nobel Peace Price for doing absolutely nothing as destroyers of a once worthy honor.

  5. Wonder if her parents ever gave her a doll, or a puppy, or a kitten, or a playhouse. Probably not anything a little kid would like. Or did they just force her into adulthood to replay thier broken record for attention and money?

    I bet she will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, making it even more irrelevant.



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