Time For An Intervention, America – IOTW Report

Time For An Intervention, America

It’s not unique anymore. Not when ever other person has ink permanently stitched under the skin that nobody wants too see, but have to look at anyway. Tattoos aren’t fashion and they aren’t art, but they’ll be there for as long as you live.

Stop already, you’re boring the rest of us with your ostentatious display of bad taste.   More

67 Comments on Time For An Intervention, America

  1. tattoos are an ugly blight on any body. period. Thank God our youngest son and his significant other dont have any and they are beyond being bullied by that particular type of peer pressure.

  2. RADIOATIONMAN/HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB August 5, 2017 at 7:36 pm

    Frickin butt ugly on a woman.
    That’s my opine.

    Ugly on anyone. I grew up being humiliated with the sperm donors tats. One was of a naked woman the length of his arm, and the other was a naked woman sitting in a martini glass. I would never invite my friends over just in case he was only wearing a T-shirt. Tats are ugly and vulgar. Saw one the other day on a man whose hair was purple. He had a bald spot on the back of his head with a tat of an eyeball in the bald spot. I dubbed him the purple people eater.

  3. When I was I kid, I only knew of two types of people with tattoos – sailors and hookers (tattooed ladies in the circus didn’t count, because they were so rarely encountered). So – even though I know times have changed, when I see a tattooed person I still have a subconscious tendency to sort them into one of those two categories.

    It’s a kneejerk reaction, I know, but it’s still there.

  4. Yep, this is turning in into a disease, quickly. Over on Model Mayhem the poor darlings can’t understand why so many photographers just aren’t interested in paying them to shoot their purposefully disfigured bodies. In many cases it doesn’t really matter, but some are just a crying shame.

  5. I have a dot on my chin that looks like it’s a tat – has that blueish tint. I got it from a wound when I was a teenager. I don’t even remember what it was that got me; though I seem to remember climbing a tree and getting skewered by a branch (I was such a Tomboy).

    Anyway, it embarrasses me when someone thinks I did it on purpose.

  6. Why does everybody want to look like an MS-13 orc? Is there some sort of mass reversion to pagan demon worship? In my mind, a culture comfortable with doodles and scribbles all over their skin will not be bothered when someone comes along and demands just one last mark for everybody.

  7. This article was written by a bald douche with a circle beard. That’s the real problem in America. I’ma go out and get an Admin Girl avi on ….oh…I dunno, side of the neck…forehead possibly.


    Man, I’m like this places Anti-Christ.

  8. I saw a woman (not a lady) today at the store. Bright yellow Camero, pink hair, a tank top so you could see both arms and back with wildly colored tattoos. Maybe she didn’t get enough attention as a kid, she is screaming for attention now.

  9. I was one of a handful in my infantry training regiment who chose not to get a tattoo. Being 19, I thought it better to buy a bottle of gin while on leave. That was stupid, I have not been able to smell, let alone drink, gin for 48 years.

  10. When my oldest son turned 20, he used the money I sent him for his birthday to get a tattoo– “G.O.P.” on his left shoulder, “next to his heart”. After all the bullshit the Republicans have been pulling since Trump was elected, he’s regretting it.

  11. I’ve never considered getting a tattoo. I’m from the generation (seems I have a lot of company here) who regards them as somewhat trashy. That, and I wouldn’t be able to stand the pain. Pierced ears were the limit.

  12. my favorite t-shirt sez: “Scars are like tattoos but with better stories”

    a favorite relevant expression: “They try to make a statement, but they don’t know what to say…”

  13. I almost got a tat in the USN. Would have gotten the usual “USN” on the upper arm but never got around to it.

    Said it before, saying it again: there is no woman whose appearance is even remotely improved by a tattoo, especially deliberately visible ones.

  14. I had an uncle who was in the Navy in WWII. He got tats on his forearms. Never saw them. For the rest of his life, he always wore long sleeved shirts, buttoned at the wrists. No matter how hot it got. Lesson learned.

  15. When my kids were growing up, whenever I would see some fat, late-middle-aged woman with tats, I would always point them out to mys kids, and let them know that you know a fad is no longer “cool” when it has sunk to that level. 3 out of 6 got the message. The other 3 have to live with their mistakes.

  16. Tony, yes I had an employee who always needed long sleeve shirts for his uniform also buttoned at the cuff all year round. He was a tattoo artist for years and now he’s hiding all his personal “art” and regrets it to this day.

  17. Saw a woman (about late 60s) in the grocery store who bent over to pick up something she dropped. I looked down and saw a tribal tattoo on her ankle. Then looking back up I saw the butterfly tramp stamp. The wings were ‘melting’ you guys. LMAO. Your tattoos are forever, but your booty ain’t.

  18. I get that people like tattoos and I don’t care. Don’t want one myself. However, the dude in that photo above has a mental problem. Wear a sign that says, “I don’t like myself.” It’s way cheaper. lol

  19. I also saw a young girl in a wedding as a brides maid with scarring on her back that were “angel wings” at first glance it looked like she was bull whipped at some point in her life. They were raised scars like the africans that cut themselves and rub ash or dirt into the wound. It’s really disgusting.

  20. This is blasphemy. Olive Oyl doesn’t has a tramp stamp. Her parents are immigrants for craps sake. They’d never allow such a thing. Hell, Popeye has been dating her for 75 years and still hasn’t got to second base…

    Anyway, true, Bluto has tats but Wimpy J. Wellington doesn’t, and he’s a sponge.

    Oh, and none of the Flintstones had tats. They spent all their tat money on smokes. Filthy tobacco fiends.


  21. Bluto was doing Olive Oyl. Chicks like that are always attracted to the bad guys. and I’ll bet money she’s got a tramp stamp. Hitler loved tattoos. He use to have Jews skinned that had tattoos and make lamp shades out of them.

  22. US Navy, check
    V/Nam vet, check
    M/C racer, check
    M/C club, check
    Have had close friends die untimely deaths, check
    Know tattoo artists personally, check
    The only tattoos I have is some black powder burns in my forehead from the flash pan on a
    Daddy had a tattoo, Ada, on his forearm.
    Wasn’t my mothers name.
    Learned my lesson over 60 years ago.
    They have become so common.
    Conservative behavior, it’s the new rebel.
    My buddy of 60 years and I do have scar wars though.

  23. YOU TATOO-LESS MINION OF EVIL! Into the fire of onions and and sulphur with your twisted lies.

    The image of Bluto scrumping Olive Oyl across a dinner table is forever burned into my minds eye.

    And as for Hitler…. I dunno’, I’m assuming he used Kosher skin because he couldn’t get top quality Chinese, which, as everyone knows, makes for the best lampshades, what with their soft amber glow and all.

  24. “And as for Hitler”

    They taught me that shit in school. So who knows. Eva Braun had a tramp stamp. She got it during a summer time fling on Oahu with a Kenyan surf instructor.

  25. We’re getting off topic. Somehow. The point is, we can’t continue to subdivide ourselves into smaller and smaller cultural enclaves. I don’t care how many stars a sneech has on it’s belly. All I wan’t to know is if they’ll buy my Chinese lampshades.

  26. It was allegorical. Technically Mongolians make the best lampshades, but why quibble.

    I still say you have to look past tattoos, crocs, bald dudes with circle beards and how many cats some skirt has.

    If we’re going to continue to divide ourselves, it’s going to be done logically. By astrological signs.

    You bastard fire signs are in for it now.

  27. The topic is whether or not we should accept tattooed Americans as equals or not. Bad Brad suggests that there may be a marketing opportunity selling tattooed lampshades at Walmart.

    Our only quibble is on quality control, Brad prefers pure Mongolian skin for it’s soft amber glow and I say we should harvest everyone, regardless of tattoo status.

    It’s all about equality at bargain basement prices.

  28. RADIOATIONMAN/HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB August 5, 2017 at 7:36 pm
    Frickin butt ugly on a woman.
    That’s my opine.

    Radio god Neal Boortz used to say “I’ve never seen a tattoo that made a woman more attractive”.

    I wish my daughter would have been one of Neal’s fans!!

  29. ” sexy ATF agents with mad clerical skillz”

    I just never was attracted to those guys. Mean while, the Mooslem connection hold promise as a marketing ploy. ISIS approved Lamp Shades. Wada ya think? It’s genius. Let’s get with Wally World.

  30. I’ve got a few that are covered by a shirt, stupid shit from when I was young, but nothing bad.

    Nowadays I’ve been judging women’s looks by how FEW tats they have. A 20 year old chick with both arms in sleaves looks like a phucking monkey to me.

  31. Look, Brad, there’s no level I won’t stoop to in order to get someone else to fill out all those form 9’s the ATF demands.

    Fuggin’ clerical nazis…. every last one of them tattoo-less one nutted vegetarians. Just. Like. Hitler.

    Or that guy from Whitesnake.

  32. Enjoyed every word of that article and it
    s hard to pick a favorite line.

    I keep thinking of all these tatted up/pierced up people as they age. Imagine having all of them in a nursing home. Breast tattoos will be knee level tattoos. Holey ear lobes will be hanging down to their ankles. They’ll all look like complete sad sacks.

    Too many ‘young people’ pay hundreds and hundreds for these tats yet can’t make a rent or car payment. They have both brains and tats where they sit.

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