AT: Stars and Stripes reports that, as predicted here on American Thinker, it’s time for women to sign up for draft .
The Marine Corps commandant and Army chief of staff told the Senate on Tuesday that they believe women should be required to sign up for the military draft now that they are being integrated into all combat positions.
She thinks The Bern is already president.
And this is the military’s payback for being forced into the women in combat decision, I’ll wager.
It won’t be long…
“GENDER: Don’t ask, don’t tell.”
Will Chelsea get to take her secret service guards to carry her 60 lb pack and machine gun on those 20 mile hikes?
Chelsea’s face is a weapon of mass destruction. Just ask red-blooded male.
Given that she’s 35 years old, she probably wouldn’t be required to register. Nice sentiment, though.
But she IS old enough to be Prezzy.
Nope. Not “payback”. Just equal application of the “equal opportunity” rules being pushed by the SJWs and the FemiNazis.
You females want “equal opportunity”? Then the flip side of that very same coin is “equal responsibility”.
The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is a bitch. But it’s an Equal Opportunity bitch.
Her daughter will be and child #2 will also be eligible for the draft….quite the conundrum…
Call me old fashioned but there is no way in Hell I would allow either of my 2 daughters if they were of draft age to be drafted. I’d go instead in their place. Women are not called to be warriors, prayer warriors yes but not to be in combat ever.
She’s old enough to be an ambassador stationed in Benghazi.
Did you hear about Chelsea’s latest fail?
She did a fund-raiser for Hillary in which she led a spinning class in some trendy-Wendy gym in Tribeca. Tickets were originally priced at $2,700.
Sales were so sluggish they had to keep lowering the price until they were practically giving them away. And Chelsea, who has 50% of her genetic input from Hillary, thinks it would be a good idea to have Mom overseeing our Federal budget?
Probably not. But in World War II the draft age went as high as the upper 40’s! How close are we to War III?
She is too damned old plus her buck teeth need a lot of work.
Sure sounds like payback to me, and payback’s a mofo, as they say.
Chelsea is ideological & hideous enough to lead an ISIS troop.
Imagine her with a big muzzie beard?
Whaddaya mean ‘imagine’?
The feminazis and libtards brought this on all American women
It is totally wrong. Women have no business in combat, heading up the Navy or being Commandantess of West Point. But I’m just an old fashioned geezer. WTF do I know?
This women in direct infantry combat roles bullshit stems from DACOWITS – Defense Advisory Council On Broads In The Service, a Clinton-era feelgood scheme for Feminazis.
This proposed legislation – forcing broads 18-35 to sign up for Selective Service military – is where the rubber meets the road with these goddam Social Justice Warrior bints. If I don’t see NOW and other Feminist groups immediately get behind this 100%, then they can forevermore Shut.The.Fuck.Up.