Time… In Time – IOTW Report

Time… In Time

12 Comments on Time… In Time

  1. Just think how much authority and respect Dementia Joe and Kalamity will command and inspire once the votes are properly counted in all those corrupt shitholes that elected these two incompetent fraudsters.

  2. Their Oaths of Office, the Constitution, Integrity, Honor, Honesty, Decency, Patriotism, Character – mean nothing to them – ALL of them, including the Armed Forces, the Spook Agencies, the DoJ, the FBI, Law Enforcement, &c.

    Trump Won. They Lied. People Died. And America sits with its thumb up its ass.
    Waiting for … what? God to intercede? A Meteor? The Evil Maggots to Drop Dead?
    I’m not waiting! I’ve taken up drinking!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What percentage of Americans would take heart if he were to be sent to meet God? If private glee were included, I’d say 90% of the country, even the leftists would be glad.


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