Time Person of the Year – IOTW Report

Time Person of the Year


25 Comments on Time Person of the Year

  1. Ok, Time.

    Nobody reads or believes their bullshit rag any more.

    They can whine all they want about divided USA, but if Trump achieves half of what he promised, he will win again in four years.

    Bigly again, too.

  2. And wtf have we been under Odingo? Have we been united? What has the gay Marxist Muslim terrorist sympathizer done to bring us together?
    Nada. So eff off—– it’s time Time went away.

  3. When I first saw this on this site I thought it was something BFH did to troll Time Magazine. It wasn’t until later when I got to work I realized that it was actually real. I bet that it was very difficult for them to do.

  4. Trump deserved it more than anyone. He over came it all every step of the way. From the words that came out of his mouth that people hated, to acts of kindness that never got reported. Trump will be a fine President. My doctor agrees. He even laughed at all the snowflakes crying. I have Trump’s bobble head sitting right in my living room. Just ask him a question and he will nod yes! 🙂

  5. Yeah, Time liked it way better when the States were on their way to being united under a federal overlord. Anyway, there’s no division here. All the fuss is caused by the parasites freaking out just before their pointy beaks are yanked out of the host. They’ll be screaming and squawking as they run around looking for another teat to suck on.

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